It seems the hashtags in our profiles might not be searchable, so I'm pinning this to help find like-minded people. π§΅
#mybodymychoice #neurodivergent #nonviolence #origami #photography #PlannedParenthood #poetry #proabortion #prochoice #prochoiceisprolife #protecttranskids #ptsd #queerchristian #queerchristianity #quotes #racialjustice #ReadHarder #reading #ReadingChallenge #ReproductiveRights #scifi #selfcare #sff #spoonie #spoontheory #thefutureisaccessible #translivesaresacred
It is sad that the most tepid move forward on behalf of LGBTQ rights meets with such a reaction. Hopefully though this will open up space for the CofE to move faster on LGBTQ inclusion
Who will I see at Q Christian Fellowship Conference in DC this week?
#QCFconf #QChristian #QueerChristianity #QueerTheology #FaithfullyLGBT #FaithfullyLGBTQ
#qcfconf #qchristian #queerchristianity #queertheology #faithfullylgbt #faithfullylgbtq
Canβt wait for Q Christian Fellowship Conference next month!
#QCFconf #QChristian #QueerChristianity #QueerTheology #FaithfullyLGBT #FaithfullyLGBTQ
#qcfconf #qchristian #queerchristianity #queertheology #faithfullylgbt #faithfullylgbtq
I'll be teaching an online course on #QueerTheology in the spring through #UnionSeminary and #EpiscopalDivinitySchool (#EDSAtUnion). Auditors are welcome; we meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings from 8 pm to 9:50 ET starting in late January. Here's the link to the auditor application if you're interested:
#FaithfullyLGBT π³οΈβπ :transgender:
#queertheology #unionseminary #episcopaldivinityschool #edsatunion #faithfullylgbt #queer #lgbtq #theology #queertheory #queerreligiousstudies #queerchristianity #episcopal
I'll be teaching an online course on #QueerTheology in the spring through #UnionSeminary and #EpiscopalDivinitySchool (#EDSatUnion). Auditors are welcome (we meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 8 pm ET), and registration begins tomorrow, Monday, November 14th. Here's the auditor application link:
#FaithfullyLGBTQ π³οΈβπ
#edsatunion #episcopaldivinityschool #unionseminary #episcopal #queerchristianity #queerreligion #queertheory #theology #lgbtq #queer #faithfullylgbtq #queertheology