My #bookreview is brief/won't spoil, to spread good, great, & spectacular #horror #books far & wide.
THE LONGEST SUMMER is a novel about a boy and it's a marvel: tragic and filled w pathos but also exhilarating and joyous. It's the blackest of comedies about possibility & inevitability. It's a dizzying account of life and youth, identity, queerness, time: it's radiant. (CLASH)
#book #review #bookstodon #DarkFiction #QueerHorror #QueerIndieHorror @bookstodon #mothersuspiriareview @horrorbooks
#bookreview #horror #books #book #review #bookstodon #darkfiction #queerhorror #queerindiehorror #mothersuspiriareview
My #bookreview is brief/won't spoil, to spread good, great, & spectacular #horror #books far & wide.
Eric LaRocca's debut NOVEL (!) has more meat on its bones, but he doesn't sacrifice a drop of his dark prose, or the heart & humanity that bleeds from his Words. Compelling, entertaining, heart wrenching, & frightening- EVERYTHING THE DARKNESS EATS is a triumph of storytelling. (CLASH Books)
#book #review #QueerHorror #QueerIndieHorror @bookstodon #mothersuspiriareview @horror @horrorbooks
#bookreview #horror #books #book #review #queerhorror #queerindiehorror #mothersuspiriareview
OK! First week of #PrideMonth - what's everyone reading for #QueerHorror and #QueerIndieHorror?
Who has things to boost?
#PrideMonth #queerhorror #queerindiehorror
Well, #Pride2023 is the perfect time to show off my Billy Martin aka Poppy Z Brite collection.
If you like truly stunning horror, you owe it to yourself to check his #books out. They defined an era & he's a true #Horror (and #LGBTQIA) Inspiration & Icon. 🖤
No one will ever describe decadence, deviltries, depravity, or dining in quite the same descriptive, darkly beautiful way.
#LGBTQIAHorror #QueerHorror #Pride #TransAuthor #QueerIndieHorror #foodie @horrorbooks @horror
#pride2023 #books #horror #LGBTQIA #lgbtqiahorror #queerhorror #pride #transauthor #queerindiehorror #foodie