SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
110 followers · 159 posts · Server

A small silver pendant bearing a crescent moon and seven stars.
Four variations are available, each with the moon pointing a different direction respective to the bail: waxing, waning, bull-horned, and horseshoe.
Made of solid .925 sterling silver, one half inch in diameter.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
Added to the Witchcraft Aesthetic line in July of 2023.

#jewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #moon #stars #wicca #witchcraft #occultart #Pagan #goddess #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
110 followers · 158 posts · Server

Signet-style silver ring with a round coin-like copper Gorgon face, a tapered domed band and a flat round top. The apotropaic image of a Gorgon's head was a common protection symbol throughout ancient Greece and the Hellenistic world. This particular image was done in the Attic style, based particularly the Gorgon images found painted in kylix cups from the 4th Century BCE.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
If you would like your ring in a size not listed, please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I can accommodate most sizes in most styles.

#occultart #witchcraft #Pagan #witchjewelry #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #gorgon #gorgoneion #queerjeweler #queerartist #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
109 followers · 157 posts · Server

Round pendant bearing a stylized image of a skull, part of my line.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.

#witchcraftaesthetic #jewelry #jewelryart #ArtJewelry #queerjeweler #witchjewelry #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
109 followers · 156 posts · Server

Round pendant bearing an image of an apotropaic sphinx in an Art Neveau style: a synthesis of the Greek monster that strangled travelers who could not answer her riddle and the Egyptian sphinx who stood guard over secrets.

* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or bronze.

* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.

Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.

#witchcraftaesthetic #jewelry #jewelryart #ArtJewelry #queerjeweler #witchjewelry #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
107 followers · 134 posts · Server

Hekate's Ladder inspired by that described in the Hekataeon, with twenty-nine beads of bone, four brass rattlesnake vertebrae, eight volcanic stone beads, twelve garnet beads, and a brass central medallion, flower bell, and antique key.
Each piece is hand made with unique variations. No two keys, flowers, vertebrae, or beads are identical, and the hand casting techniques that produce the Hekatae talisman (the same two-sided Hekate talisman I sell individually) likewise produce unique results.
These talismans are not consecrated. That task is yours, in accordance with the Book of the White Flame or the instructions provided by your gods and familiar spirits.
Each piece comes with a box to store the talisman in while it is sleeping.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #hekate #hekataeon #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
106 followers · 130 posts · Server

Two-sided silver talisman with an image of Hekate on one side -- "O Six Hands crowning a flaming eye,/ Extending in every direction;" from Jack Grayle's Hekataeon, Rite 4: De Forma -- and her crossroads sigil, name, and six epithets in Greek -- "Hekate, Atalos, Apotropaia, Soteira, Rexichthon" -- on the reverse.

* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Art Jewelry Jewelry Art Jewelry Artist Jeweler Workbench

#occult #talismanic #hekate #hekataeon #witchcraft #Pagan #jewelry #art #witch #queer #lgbt #sorcerers #occultart #talismanicjewelry #witchjewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #jewelersofinstagram

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
106 followers · 129 posts · Server

A coin depicting the seal of Bune as describe in the Lesser Key of Solomon, better known as the Goetia. In the words of the anonymous author: "The Twenty-sixth Spirit is Buné (or Bim). He is a Strong, Great and Mighty Duke. He appeareth in the form of a Dragon with three heads, one like a Dog, one like a Gryphon, and one like a Man. He speaketh with a high and comely Voice. He changeth the Place of the Dead, and causeth the Spirits which be under him to gather together upon your Sepulchres. He giveth Riches unto a Man, and maketh him Wise and Eloquent. He giveth true Answers unto Demands. And he governeth 30 Legions of Spirits. His Seal is this, unto the which he oweth Obedience. He hath another Seal (which is the first of these, 1 but the last is the best) "

The front of the coin bears the image of the seal. The reverse may be polished or textured.

Use this talisman seal in your conjurations -- traditional or modern -- or as the core maeteria in a prosperity bag.

Work with demons at your own risk.

This coin talisman is available in brass, bronze, copper, silver, or 14 kt yellow gold. Each piece is hand-made to order and will include unique variations and blemishes. The standard size is 1 inch, but a larger piece could be made as a custom order.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #Bune #claviculasolomonis #lesserkeyofsolomon #goetia #demon #solomonicmagic #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
106 followers · 127 posts · Server

Dog-headed faux coin-style Sirius talisman designed to be consecrated as described in the 3rd Edition of the Hekataeon.
Original design commissioned by Jack Grayle based on an extant ancient coin and made available to the public with his permission.
Made of solid .925 sterling silver
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #hekate #sirius #hekataeon #witchcraft #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #witchjewelry #queerjeweler #queerartist #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
105 followers · 125 posts · Server
SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
105 followers · 123 posts · Server

Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with the planet Venus. Used to make the wearer well-liked.

This talismanic image of Venus is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English: "...the shape of a woman with a human body but with the head of a bird and the feet of an eagle, holding an apple in her right hand and a wooden comb similar to a tablet in her left, which has these figures written upon in [the Greek letters OLOIOL]. Whoever carries this image will be well received and esteemed by all." (Picatrix Bk 2, Chapter 10, Paragraph 55, translated by Attrell and Porecca)

The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Venus and the Characters of Venus according to Agrippa.

* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.

These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #Picatrix #venus #imageofvenus #venustalisman #picatrixtalisman #picatrixvenustalisman #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
103 followers · 120 posts · Server

Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Jupiter.
This talismanic image of Jupiter is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English: “The image of Jupiter, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a man with a leonine face and the feet of a bird; beneath his feet he is holding a dragon that has seven heads, and in his right hand he holds a dart as if he wished to throw it at the head of the dragon.” Picatrix Book II, Paragraph 16 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Jupiter and the Characters of the Jupiter according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #Picatrix #Jupiter #jupitertalisman #imageofjupiter #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
103 followers · 117 posts · Server
SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
102 followers · 114 posts · Server

Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Mars.
This talismanic image of Mars is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English: “The image of Mars, according to the opinion of the wise Apollonius, is the shape of a crowned man holding an inscribed sword in his right hand.” Picatrix Book II, Chapter 10, Paragraph 19 (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of Mars and the Characters of Mars according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver or shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #Picatrix #mars #imageofmars #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
102 followers · 111 posts · Server

Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with Luna. Used to make the wearer happy, well-liked, safe, healthy, and fortunate, for protection while travelling and against evil.
This talismanic image of the Moon is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from it's original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English: "The image of the moon according to the opinion of Picatrix is the form of a man who has the head of a bird, and he holds a stick above him, and he has a tree before him." -- Picatrix Bk.II Ch.10, p.105 of the Greer and Warnock translation.
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of the Moon and the Characters of the Moon according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #Picatrix #luna #moon #imageofthemoon #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
102 followers · 109 posts · Server

Astrological talisman bearing an image and magical symbols associated with the Sun.
This talismanic image of the Sun is derived from the Picatrix, a Renaissance-era grimoire translated from its original Arabic, first to Spanish, then to Latin, and now to English: “The image of the Sun, according to the opinion of Picatrix, is the shape of a king sitting on a throne with a crown on his head, with the image of a crow in front of him, and beneath his feet the figure of the Sun that we depicted above.” Picatrix Book II, Chapter 10, Paragraph 24. (Attrell and Porecca, 2019)
The back of the talisman bears the Grand Planetary Seal of the Sun and the Characters of the Sun according to Agrippa.
* Made of solid .925 sterling silver, 14kt gold, shibuichi (an art metal alloy made of 3:1 copper:silver), yellow brass, or red bronze.
* Available as a coin, with an upeye for use as a pendant, or with three jump rings for use in a rosary-style necklace.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
These talismans are NOT consecrated. That is your responsibility.
Astrological timing and consecration is available with a minimum of 30 days advance notice at an additional charge depending on the difficulty of the election.

#occultart #talismanicjewelry #Picatrix #sun #SunTalisman #solartalisman #sol #imageofthesun #witchcraft #witchjewelry #Pagan #jewelry #ArtJewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #lgbt #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
98 followers · 90 posts · Server

A pendant made of spectralite labradorite set in sterling silver.
The sterling setting is hammer finished.
This piece is unique, one of a kind, never to be seen again, made for the joy of making.

#jewelryart #ArtJewelry #jewelry #queerartist #queerjeweler #witchjewelry #witchcraftaesthetic #labradorite #jewelersofinstagram

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
98 followers · 89 posts · Server

Six-sided dark purple fluorite point with matte finish set in sterling silver with a large semi-circle bail.
This is a unique piece made just or the fun of it with a fluorite point original purchased for display.

#jewelryart #ArtJewelry #jewelry #queerartist #queerjeweler #witchjewelry #witchcraftaesthetic #flourite #sorcerersworkbench

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
97 followers · 85 posts · Server

Beautiful blue-green labradorite rounded triangle set in sterling silver frame and strung on blue cord meant to tie on the wrist.
Part of my new line of mixed media statement pieces. Currently fits a five to seven inch wrist. Can be made longer at your request.

#jewelryart #ArtJewelry #jewelry #queerartist #queerjeweler #witchjewelry #witchcraftaesthetic #labradorite #jewelersofinstagram

Last updated 1 year ago

SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
94 followers · 79 posts · Server
SatyrMagos · @satyrmagos
95 followers · 76 posts · Server

A small silver pendant bearing a crescent moon and seven stars.
Four variations are available, each with the moon pointing a different direction respective to the bail: waxing, waning, bull-horned, and horseshoe.
Made of solid .925 sterling silver, one half inch in diameter.
Each piece is hand-made to order in my home studio, with unique variations and defects as a result of the fabrication and casting process.
Added to the Witchcraft Aesthetic line in July of 2023.

#jewelry #jewelryart #queerartist #queerjeweler #moon #stars #wicca #witchcraft #occultart #Pagan #goddess #jewelersofinstagram

Last updated 1 year ago