I'm now reading "Personal Score" by Ellen van Neerven and it's magnificent. The writing style, the approach to the often challenging subject matter... It was no surprise to learn that van Neerven is a poet.
The book's very topical following the World Cup, since it centres on the author's relationship to soccer. As well as their experience growing up First Nations in Meanjin.
#AmReading #bookstodon #memoir #TransLit #QueerLit #AusLit #soccer #football #Brisbane #PersonalScore #EllenVanNeerven
#amreading #bookstodon #memoir #translit #queerlit #auslit #soccer #football #brisbane #personalscore #ellenvanneerven
#book #BoyErased: A Memoir by #GarrardConley #LGBTQIAplus :newpride:
#QueerLit #queerliterature
#book #boyerased #garrardconley #lgbtqiaplus #queerlit #QueerLiterature
I've begun reading Caught In The Act by Shane Jenek AKA Courtney Act.
I should mention that I've been getting all these queer books through Brisbane City Council Libraries - can't praise them enough!
Courtney Act was Brisbane born who, like so many of us, headed south the moment high school finished. Going by the intro, this one should be a hoot!
#AmReading #bookstodon #memoir #TransLit #QueerLit #AusLit #Brisbane #BrisbaneLibraries #libraries #CourtneyAct #ShaneJenek #CaughtInTheAct
#amreading #bookstodon #memoir #translit #queerlit #auslit #brisbane #brisbanelibraries #libraries #courtneyact #shanejenek #caughtintheact
I finished Pageboy!
I loved Page's often blunt word choice, and also enjoyed how he jumped through time (though I did get a bit lost at times). But this book was a hard one to read.
There just wasn't much light. Even the more positive relationships described tended to be wrapped up in bad times. So, while I admire Page and do recommend this book, I'd advise you to approach it with caution if you're queer and in a bumpy place.
#bookstodon #memoir #ElliotPage #Pageboy #TransLit #QueerLit
#bookstodon #memoir #elliotpage #pageboy #translit #queerlit
Top book of 2024 watch - Dayspring by #AnthonyOliveira (April 2024)
"Oliveira brings to vibrant, glorious life the gospel according to the disciple Christ loved—his companion in the days before the crucifixion, the only instrument that remembers with fidelity his sound. Sacred, profane, and rich with explicit desire and a poetic attention to form...Seamlessly blending fiction, memoir, and verse in the exhilarating tradition of #AnneCarson and #MadelineMiller ..."
#queerlit #bookstodon #MadelineMiller #AnneCarson #anthonyoliveira
I'm now reading Pageboy, by Elliot Page. It's interesting to read about his experiences of growing up in Nova Scotia, as I usually only hear about that area through the Scottish Gaelic community.
A bheil fios agaibh gur ann à Alba Nuadh a tha Elliot Page? Tha mi a' leughadh an leabhar aige (Pageboy) agus tha e inntinneach a bhith a' leughadh mun sgìre sin taobh a-muigh saoghal na Gàidhlig.
#AmReading #bookstodon #memoir #ElliotPage #NovaScotia #AlbaNuadh #Pageboy #TransLit #QueerLit #Gàidhlig
#amreading #bookstodon #memoir #elliotpage #novascotia #albanuadh #pageboy #translit #queerlit #gaidhlig
@kai_ash thank you for your recommendation ... I have just started to listen to it ... Definitely worth a read ... Hugz
Sorry I stole your hashtags
Hugz & xXx
#KitHeyam #Bookstodon #trans #transgender #sex #BeforeWeWereTrans #recommendations #TransLit #QueerLit #histodon #history #TransHistory
#kitheyam #bookstodon #trans #transgender #sex #beforeweweretrans #recommendations #translit #queerlit #histodon #history #transhistory
I finished Before We Were Trans and I cannot recommend this book enough.
So many questions that I hadn't found the language to ask were put into words and explored by the author Kit Heyam.
If you're at all interested in the subject of sex and gender and what it means to be human through time and across geographies, get your hands on this book.
#KitHeyam #Bookstodon #trans #transgender #sex #BeforeWeWereTrans #recommendations #TransLit #QueerLit
#kitheyam #bookstodon #trans #transgender #sex #beforeweweretrans #recommendations #translit #queerlit
I'm new here. So far my handful of posts have been automatic links to my blog posts. But the Elephant Bot just suggested I introduce myself.
So: I'm Nicola, a writer (novels mostly), fighter, kitty wrangler, scholar, and queer crip. The most recent novel is SPEAR, a "queer Arthurian masterpiece for the modern age," and a new one, MENEWOOD, sequel to HILD, coming 3 October, 2023.
More about my books here:
#criplit #medieval #earlymedieval #lifescience #queerlit
My friend Reese Hogan isn’t on Mastodon, so I’m here to shout about his new book for him!
MY HEART IS HUMAN is out today!
If you want a story about:
-A single trans father with an evolving A.I. in his head
-A love interest who hunts robots for a living
-Rock concerts
-Deep convos about identity & what makes us human
Then find the book / #audiobook links at: http://www.reesehogan.com/
#ScienceFiction #BookBirthday #MustRead #NewBooks #TransLit #QueerLit #SciFi #TransBooks #QueerBooks
#audiobook #sciencefiction #bookbirthday #mustread #newbooks #translit #queerlit #scifi #transbooks #queerbooks
It's hot! Stay cool this holiday with a summer read that takes place on this holiday. And crank up some unpatriotic music in honor of the supreme court.
#bookaesthetic #books #fiction #book #romancelandia #romance
#fictionbooks #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqbooks #lgbtwriters #queerbooks #queerlit #queerliterature #queerreads #queerfiction #queerlife #romancebooks #summerreading #summervibes #fourthofjuly #independenceday #july4th #july #redwhiteandblue
#bookaesthetic #books #fiction #book #romancelandia #romance #fictionbooks #lgbt #LGBTQ #lgbtqbooks #lgbtwriters #queerbooks #queerlit #queerliterature #queerreads #queerfiction #queerlife #romancebooks #SummerReading #summervibes #fourthofjuly #independenceday #july4th #july #redwhiteandblue
I think I am seeing a pattern in #QueerLit tastes, and I’m really curious if I’m projecting.
Is there a special delight in queer characters who are just an absolute mess? If so, if anyone would be interested in explaining that phenomenon to me, a big old cis/het, it’d be fascinated.
Celebrate Pride by Reading Books by Queer Writers! Featuring books by Mason Thomas, Maxime Jaz, Kon Blacke, Gabriel Hargrave, Felyx Lawson, L.D. Valentine, Cameron D. Blackwell, and Jayme Bean.
#QueerReads #GayReads #GayLit #QueerLit #MMRomance
#mmromance #queerlit #gaylit #gayreads #QueerReads
Celebrate Pride by Reading Books by Queer Writers! Featuring books by Mason Thomas, Maxime Jaz, Kon Blacke, Gabriel Hargrave, Felyx Lawson, L.D. Valentine, Cameron D. Blackwell, and Jayme Bean.
#QueerReads #GayReads #GayLit #QueerLit #MMRomance
#mmromance #queerlit #gaylit #gayreads #QueerReads
Celebrate Pride by Reading Books by Queer Writers! Featuring books by Mason Thomas, Maxime Jaz, Kon Blacke, Gabriel Hargrave, Felyx Lawson, L.D. Valentine, Cameron D. Blackwell, and Jayme Bean.
#QueerReads #GayReads #GayLit #QueerLit #MMRomance
#mmromance #queerlit #gaylit #gayreads #QueerReads
Celebrate Pride by Reading Books by Queer Writers! Featuring books by Mason Thomas, Maxime Jaz, Kon Blacke, Gabriel Hargrave, Felyx Lawson, L.D. Valentine, Cameron D. Blackwell, and Jayme Bean.
#QueerReads #GayReads #GayLit #QueerLit #MMRomance
#mmromance #queerlit #gaylit #gayreads #QueerReads
Why this book and why now?
What is a significant way your book has changed since either the first draft or the way you thought it would turn out when you first had the inspiration?
What song does your character put on to start your book launch party?
I answered these and more questions for I Heart SapphFic at:
#fiction #lesbianbooks #lesbian #lgbt #lgbtq #lgbtqbooks #queerbooks
#queerlit #queerliterature #queerreads #queerfiction
#romancebooks #books
#fiction #lesbianbooks #lesbian #lgbt #LGBTQ #lgbtqbooks #queerbooks #queerlit #queerliterature #queerreads #queerfiction #romancebooks #books
When your book is described as "unique", you never know if it's good or bad. In this case, I think I'm doing alright?
Have you read it yet? If so, drop a review on Amazon. I might share it on social media.
#diversebooks #fiction #fictionbooks #lesbianbooks #lesbianfiction #lesfic #lesficauthor #lgbt #LGBTQ #lgbtqbooks #lgbtwriters #ownvoices #queer #queerbooks #queerlit #queerliterature #queerreads #queerfiction #romancebooks #wlw #books #wlwbooks #SummerReading
I just moved here from another lovely instance because I found I wasn't posting at all about its subject matter but was only posting about #Autism. So here's one of those #Introduction posts with lots of #CamelCase hashtags -
#autism #introduction #camelcase #history #historicalfiction #music #rockandroll #blues #showtunes #belcanto #theatre #movies #costumedrama #books #queerlit #libraries #sixties #beatles #asexual #autistic #selfdx #weirdpride
#GertrudeStein #TenderButtons Objects :
Aider, why aider why whow, whow stop touch, aider whow, aider stop the muncher, muncher munchers.
A jack in kill her, a jack in, makes a meadowed king, makes a to let.
Conclusion of the first section, Objects, of Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons: Objects, Food, Rooms, an experiemental prose poem published in 1914.
#bot #Prose #poetry #queer #AmericanLit #QueerLit
#PleaseShare #PleaseBoost to support #whimsy & #inspiration
#gertrudestein #tenderbuttons #bot #prose #poetry #queer #americanlit #queerlit #pleaseshare #pleaseboost #whimsy #inspiration