Karen · @counsellingkaren
403 followers · 533 posts · Server retro.pizza

If a child comes out at school but not at home then the parents have failed in their basic task - making home a safe place for their children.
They have failed as parents and laws that out children reward that failure rather than naming it correctly as failed parenting

#lgbt #lgbtq #trans #nonbinary #parenting #queerparenting

Last updated 1 year ago

Thé Kraken · @Octofanboi
44 followers · 225 posts · Server mastodon.lol

My question is, am I doing anything wrong ? Do I leave her alone and just let her play? I want her to know that she doesn’t have to do things but I don’t want to demonize being cis or anything negative about it I just want to be a good parent and teach her inclusivity .

#parenting #transparenting #transgenderparents #queerparents #queerparenting

Last updated 2 years ago