There's an upcoming birthday of some1 important to me. I want to post vids related to some of the same issues he had (issues many #QueerPeople :newpride: :anqueer_flag: share today).
This is heavy.
If you want to avoid these vids, you can spot them straight away by this symbol ➕ at the top left side of post.
WARNING: The following vids will deal with #depression, the negative effects of hate and phobia on #queersurvival and #queerwellbeing, #trauma and #suicide. PLEASE take care
Thank you ☮️
#queerpeople #depression #queersurvival #queerwellbeing #trauma #suicide
There's an upcoming birthday of some1 important to me. I want to post vids related to issues he had (same issues many #QueerPeople :newpride: :anqueer_flag: share today).
If you want to avoid these vids, you can spot them straight away by this symbol ➕ at the top left side of post.
WARNING: The following vids will deal with #depression, the negative effects of hate and phobia on #queersurvival and #queerwellbeing, #trauma and #suicide. PLEASE take care
Thank you ☮️
#queerpeople #depression #queersurvival #queerwellbeing #trauma #suicide
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🌒 Animación en cualquiera de sus formas
🌒 Un poquito de activismo queer y feminista
🌒 Musicote (metalhead y cosasrarashead)
🌒 Mi trabajo de foto, muy de vez en cuando
🌒 ¿Rol? Quizá, tal vez
🌒 Nacionalismo y regionalismo (nacións culturais si, gracias ✌🏻)
🌒 Puede que arte NSFW, censurado y en su justa medida
Y por último pero no menos importante, mis catastróficas desdichas :blobhaj_sadreach:
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