Don’t judge me, but when I was a teenager it didn’t cross my mind that someone like Boy George might be gay, or that the Village People meant more than just some blokes dressing up. And I just listened to Billy Joel’s Paino Man (and not for the first time) and a queer reading finally dawned on me: “Paul is a Real Estate novelist, who never had time for a wife, and he’s talking with Davey who’s still in the Navy and probably will be for life.”
#queerReading #naivety
Deactivated your Twitter? Time for some morning reading. Btw—y’all, D&D is gamified witchcraft. #queerreading #santafedogs #mishamagdalene #sexuality #outsidethecharmedcircle #genderstudies #sexualitystudies #wicca #paganisim #atheistwitchcraft #occultstudies #queerfolks #enbywitches #enby #socialepistomology #santafewitches #santafe #newmexico #occultphilosophy #JungianPsychology #archetypaltarot
#archetypaltarot #jungianpsychology #occultphilosophy #newmexico #santafe #santafewitches #socialepistomology #enby #enbywitches #queerfolks #occultstudies #atheistwitchcraft #paganisim #wicca #sexualitystudies #genderstudies #outsidethecharmedcircle #sexuality #mishamagdalene #santafedogs #queerreading