Deities Described as Being "Both Male and Female/Masculine and Feminine" in the Orphic Hymns:
1. Selene (#9 For Selene)
2. Dionysus (#30)
3. Athena (#32 for Athena)
4. Artemis (#36 for Artemis)
5. Mise (#42 For Mise)
6. Iakchos (#42 For Mise)
7. Adonis (#56 For Adonis)
And, while less explicit in the Hymns, the argument could be made that *all* the Divinities mentioned in the Hymns are similarly "double-natured!"
#OrphicMysteries #OrphicHymns #polytheism #pagan #paganism #occult #religion #Queer #QueerTheology #theology #QueerReligion
#orphicmysteries #orphichymns #polytheism #Pagan #paganism #occult #religion #queer #QueerTheology #theology #queerreligion
I'll be teaching an online course on #QueerTheology in the spring through #UnionSeminary and #EpiscopalDivinitySchool (#EDSatUnion). Auditors are welcome (we meet via Zoom on Thursday evenings at 8 pm ET), and registration begins tomorrow, Monday, November 14th. Here's the auditor application link:
#FaithfullyLGBTQ 🏳️🌈
#edsatunion #episcopaldivinityschool #unionseminary #episcopal #queerchristianity #queerreligion #queertheory #theology #lgbtq #queer #faithfullylgbtq #queertheology