As the trans community has been warning for some time now, the fight against trans rights is something that is inevitably going to come for the rest of the queer community.
#LGBTQ #QueerRights #LGBTQRights #Italy #Transgender #Politics #HumanRights
#lgbtq #queerrights #lgbtqrights #italy #transgender #politics #humanrights
Re Ich freue mich auf euch! Anmeldung über
#QueerRights #PodiumDiscussion #DefendingLGBTQRights #TogetherWeStand #BerlinEvent #EqualityForAl
#queerrights #PodiumDiscussion #DefendingLGBTQRights #togetherwestand #BerlinEvent #EqualityForAl
Wow. #RonDesantis‘s latest gay-bashing ad is so vicious that even the Log Cabin Republicans say they won’t support him. (Don’t worry; they’ll come crawling back for more punishment.)
Gotta love the fact that #GeorgeSantos is described as “chaotic gay and serial liar”.
#rondesantis #georgesantos #republicans #homophobia #queerrights
You should also absolutely go check out the Juno Books manifesto. They deserve so much support
#queerrights #feminism #books #lgbtqia #trans
Original toot date: 22 March, 2023
#WhoAmIWednesday - Disabled, Neurodiverse & Queer.
I wasn’t sure I should post this story. In fact, I'm still not sure. As I get ready to press the Toot button, my heart rate is increasing, my head is spinning & I feel like I am going to have a panic attack.
But you can’t be what you can’t see. You can’t raise awareness if people don’t know you exist!
So here it is, one of the most personal stories I have shared to date.
Full story here 👇
#chloeshayden #JordonSteeleJohn
#glbt #lgbtqia #LGBTI #GLBTI #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #ADHD #adultadhd #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #AdultAutism #OCD #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #PCOS #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #WeAreBrimbank
#whoamiwednesday #chloeshayden #jordonsteelejohn #ellydesmarchelier #diversityandinclusion #glbt #lgbtqia #lgbti #glbti #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #adhd #AdultADHD #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #adultautism #ocd #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #pcos #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #wearebrimbank
Original toot date: 15 March, 2023
#WhoAmIWednesday - The Egalitarian Community Member.
Over the past few weeks, I have had my motives questioned on more than one occasion; simply because I dared to post information about projects that directly impact my community. We have become a society of mistrust, not just in our government but in our fellow community members. But what is all of this based on?
Well for me, I am sure it stems from the fact that I ran in the state election last year. I mean, how dare a member of the community run in an election to represent her community and highlight issues affecting them. How dare she stand up for what she believes in. How dare she try her best to ensure we receive the funding and investment we deserve in the West. How dare she run for a party that seeks an end to speciesism!
And that is where I believe all of this really stems from - that last sentence.
(continued in reply)
#wearecommunity #community #EqualRights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #WeAreBrimbank
#whoamiwednesday #wearecommunity #community #equalrights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #wearebrimbank
To make navigation a little easier for people new to my profile, I would like to briefly #introduce myself:
I'm Erik, a cis gay man and #newhere from Twitter.
Topics like #music #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth #queerrights #series #films are particularly important to me.
So much for my #introduction, feel free to contact me if something is burning under your nails 😊
#introduction #films #series #queerrights #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealth #music #newhere #introduce
Um neuen Menschlein die Navigation ein wenig leichter zu machen stelle ich mich auch mal kurz vor:
Ich bin Erik, ein schwuler cis-Mann und #neuhier von Twitter.
Mir liegen vor allem Themen wie #Musik #mentalhealth #mensmentalhealth #queerrights #serien #filme am Herzen.
So viel zu meiner #introduction kommt gern auf mich zu falls euch etwas unter den Nägeln brennt 😊
English Version below
#introduction #filme #serien #queerrights #mensmentalhealth #mentalhealth #musik #neuhier
Kid is going to kindergarten in #florida and I got an email from the school about #textbook adoption.
I admit I haven't been paying as close attention to anything other than the news articles-- but as we know the real stuff is in the #statutes, not the #media.
Can those familiar with how these are being implemented/enforced please help me with responding to this the email from the school.
cc: #blackmastodon #queer #boost #DeSantis #school #equality #transrights #queerrights #gayrights
#florida #textbook #statutes #media #blackmastodon #queer #boost #desantis #school #equality #transrights #queerrights #gayrights
Die #CSU hinkt seit ihrer Gründung schon immer 75 Jahre hinterher. Alt, Ressentiments schürend, voller Hass, Korruption, Niederträchtigkeit und, oh Moment, das ist ja die #Bild 😂.
Passt trotzdem.
Happy Pride Month! 🌈❤️🏳️🌈
Kissing @ollihoo is always good! 😘
#HappyPrideMonth🌈 #HappyPride2023🏳️🌈 #QueerRights #QueerMuslims #GayMuslims #RepresentationMatters #Diversity #TheBeardedHomo #GayBears #BearsCubsAndBeards
#happypridemonth #happypride2023 #queerrights #queermuslims #gaymuslims #representationmatters #diversity #thebeardedhomo #gaybears #bearscubsandbeards
“Queerness’s form is utopian. Ultimately, we must insist on a queer futurity because the present is so poisonous and insolvent.” Cruising Utopia, Munoz
#queertheory #queer #queerrights #queerutopia
'Victoria police said the safety strategy for queer events is an “issue for councils” who should be preparing their own safety plans.'
WTF are the police for if not to protect law-abiding citizens?
#LGBTIQ+ #Drag #DragStoryTime #Queer #QueerRights #Police #PoliceProtection #VicPol #VictoriaPolice #SpringSt
#lgbtiq #drag #DragStoryTime #queer #queerrights #police #policeprotection #vicpol #victoriapolice #springst
Rwanda recognises queer community in new sex education book #Rwanda #queerrights #gayrights #humanrightrights #LGBT #eastAfrica
#rwanda #queerrights #gayrights #humanrightrights #lgbt #eastafrica
Great meeting with @ArieliChen the vice mayor of #TelAviv
Facing the dramatic situation in the #Knesset she is a feminist and fights for a green,social accessible city for all
#disabilityrights #queerrights #thefutureisaccessible
#TelAviv #Knesset #DisabilityRights #queerrights #TheFutureIsAccessible
This is Cynthia "Cucu" Lee Fontaine, who had a friggin double hip transplant two months ago and yet here she is, upstanding and fighting for our rights like a fuckin' warrior queen. You can try beat us down, you can try ban us from existing, but you *can and will never break us*. We will always be made of this joyous, angry magic. Try and squish us, and we will spring back more fiercely than flowers.
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #Queer #QueerRights #Trans #TransRights #Drag #DragQueen
#LGBTQIA #LGBTQ #queer #queerrights #trans #TransRights #drag #DragQueen
#WhoAmIWednesday - Disabled, Neurodiverse & Queer.
I wasn’t sure I should post this story. In fact, I'm still not sure. As I get ready to press the Tweet button, my heart rate is increasing, my head is spinning & I feel like I am going to have a panic attack.
But you can’t be what you can’t see. You can’t raise awareness if people don’t know you exist!
So here it is, one of the most personal stories I have shared to date.
Full story here 👇
#chloeshayden #JordonSteeleJohn
#glbt #lgbtqia #LGBTI #GLBTI #queerrights #disabled #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiverse #neurodiversityawareness #ADHD #adultadhd #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #AdultAutism #OCD #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #PCOS #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #WeAreBrimbank
#whoamiwednesday #disabled #neurodiverse #chloeshayden #jordonsteelejohn #ellydesmarchelier #diversityandinclusion #glbt #lgbtqia #lgbti #glbti #queerrights #disabilities #disability #invisabledisability #disabilityinclusion #neurodivergent #neurodiversity #neurodiversityawareness #adhd #AdultADHD #autistic #autisticadults #autism #autismawareness #autismacceptance #adultautism #ocd #obsessivecompulsivedisorder #pcos #pcoswarrior #pcosawareness #wearebrimbank
Very insightful long read about the politics of #Uganda's latest anti-LGBTQ+ bill from Kristof Titeca, who says Museveni has taken some steps to avoid alienating Northern donors over this issue in the past, but may run out of political room to do so today. (Serious CW for homophobia) #africanpolitics #queerrights
#queerrights #africanpolitics #uganda
#WhoAmIWednesday - The Egalitarian Community Member.
Over the past few weeks, I have had my motives questioned on more than one occasion; simply because I dared to post information about projects that directly impact my community. We have become a society of mistrust, not just in our government but in our fellow community members. But what is all of this based on?
Well for me, I am sure it stems from the fact that I ran in the state election last year. I mean, how dare a member of the community run in an election to represent her community and highlight issues affecting them. How dare she stand up for what she believes in. How dare she try her best to ensure we receive the funding and investment we deserve in the West. How dare she run for a party that seeks an end to speciesism!
And that is where I believe all of this really stems from - that last sentence.
#wearecommunity #community #EqualRights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #WeAreBrimbank
#whoamiwednesday #wearecommunity #community #equalrights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #wearebrimbank