new release league uri components #PHP #query #URL
We've Added a PHP implementation of #URLSearchParams see
#php #query #url #thephpleague #urlsearchparams
A question from the writers' critique group about my #query letter has been rattling around in my head. One of the writers said I ought to "Show the agent why they NEED to read your book," and this is breaking my brain. Some part of me is absolutely resistant to the idea of anyone *needing* to read my book, a part of me wants to keep saying "Oh, it's just a silly little zombie novel, who needs to read that?"
Maybe it's because I'm often an outsider, I'm used to not being needed. I've adopted a kind of "Well, I'm happy doing my own thing, even if no one else likes it," attitude that includes my writing. I'm writing these novels, I'm making them as good as I can, but if they're just for me, I guess that's okay.
I'd rather just offer what I have, and if a particular agent, or all the agents, can't see anything special with it, so be it. This isn't a good way to make money, but I already know I'm not well-equipped to thrive in capitalism, I'm not a money-generator, not even for myself.
I'll keep rolling this around in my head for a while, it's probably the least fun part of the writing for me right now. But, I've gotta figure out how to write *my* kind of query letter.
Good morning, today is a #writing day. Yesterday I didn't do much on the halifax novel, but instead I worked on the #query for my zombie novel, and I'm gonna have the local writers' critique group take a look at it. I've written about a dozen different queries for this one book, trying to figure out a method, and I guess this version is the best one, so far. I don't sound very confident, do I?
Ugh, querying.
I got my first pass for the #book I #AmQuerying -- I wish that QueryTracker used a different emoji!
I don't need this red sad face -- I need a neutral, the book wasn't a fit for this agent icon! 😄
#Writing #WritingCommunity #WritersofMastodon #Query #querytracker
#querytracker #query #writersofmastodon #writingcommunity #writing #amquerying #book
On a whim, I decided to try personalizing my still-untested #query letter for the first agent I want to query, but after writing the agent's name I panicked, closed to the document and came here to hide.
Idea for a very niche horror genre.
no YOU submitted your first 2 #query letters with a typo... (yes, I did ask someone else to proofread, no they did not catch the typo🙃 ).
Relatedly -- I am now *officially* querying!
#AmQuerying #Writing #WritersofMastodon #Writers #WritingCommunity
#writingcommunity #writers #writersofmastodon #writing #amquerying #query
How to use ChatGPT to learn SQL - Explore practical examples to help you master SQL for database ma... - #databasemanagement #dataanalysis #query #sql
#sql #query #dataanalysis #databasemanagement
Slow Query Logging for Elasticsearch and Elastic Cloud
#elastic #cloud #elasticsearch #log #slow #query #index #kibana #ui #filebeat #module
#elastic #cloud #elasticsearch #log #slow #query #index #kibana #ui #filebeat #module
Last week, we had an incredible time hosting our first CrateDB Workshop! 🎉
Did you miss it? We've got you covered 🤩
Now you can catch up on all the action by watching the recording of our workshop. 🎥 Discover CrateDB's features and learn how it can be used to store, query and analyze large amounts of data.
🎬 Watch the recording
#cratedb #cratedbcloud #cloud #database #db #data #workshop #realtime #query #store #scale #applications #datadriven
#cratedb #cratedbcloud #cloud #database #db #data #workshop #realtime #query #store #scale #applications #datadriven
me: has 3 different synopsis drafts completed
#WritingCommunity #Query #Writing #WritersofMastodon #Writers
#writers #writersofmastodon #writing #query #writingcommunity
Immagini AI sempre più coerenti. Le AI ora possono migliorare la realizzazione delle immagini grazie alle relazioni tra gli oggetti
Gli scienziati dell’#Università di Twente (Paesi Bassi) hanno #sviluppato un nuovo metodo di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI) in grado di costruire scene da #immagini che possono servire come base per generare immagini realistiche e #coerenti.
I modelli di #intelligenza #artificiale (#AI) generativa possono creare immagini basate su #query di testo. Questi modelli funzionano meglio quando creano immagini di singoli oggetti.
#redhotcyber #online #it #web #ai #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity
#università #sviluppato #intelligenza #artificiale #ai #immagini #coerenti #query #redhotcyber #online #it #web #hacking #privacy #cybersecurity #cybercrime #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #dataprotection #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #infosecurity
Oh, and good afternoon, today is a #writing day. I have actual labour to do in the form of creating (possibly terrible) art, and not fake labour like whatever the heck is going on over THERE *waves distractedly at what's going on over there*. But it is not mere labour, it is creation and it is good for my whole being, whether or not I ever derive any further value from it. Whew.
I've reached my daily word count goals for every day this week, the Halifax novel is trucking along fine. My outlining process has been really helpful - those 3x5 cards with the scenes written down on them are never far out of reach, in case I forget where I'm heading, and I've mixed and matched a few scenes, and the summary is a useful wayfinder, too.
While the drafting is going well, I'll spend the next week crafting a submissions plan - who to submit the zombie novel to, how to track it, all the queries and summaries and errata gathered together and prepped for use. This year can still be the year of my first #query. When I pass that milestone I think I'll find opportunity just beyond.
While dunking on trashfires is one of the main reasons we have the internet, don't forget we can use it for other things, too. For now...
Future CSS: State Container Queries
#state #query #css #queries
Sequential Query Encoding for Complex Query Answering on Knowledge Graphs
Jiaxin Bai, Tianshi Zheng, Yangqiu Song
Action editor: Alessandro Sordoni.
Follow up created my first #python #script to #query the #Todoist #API and creat timed #calendar events for tasks in #Gcal. I was amazed at how quickly I could put this together (8 hrs or so) with no knowledge of python. C# or #Swift or #JavaScript (which I know well) would have taken similar times I think.
There’s a huge #factor to be taken into account around #community #support for a #language - #mature support for #tooling, #conventions and #samples are a big #boost too new learners.
#python #script #query #todoist #api #calendar #gcal #swift #javascript #factor #community #support #language #mature #tooling #conventions #samples #boost
Is there such a thing as a Victorian train journey planner ? Or a database of timetables from say, the 1870's?
#research #history #victorians #trains #writersOfMastodon #writersLife #question #query
#query #question #writerslife #writersofmastodon #trains #victorians #history #research #writing
Have you signed up for the CrateDB Workshop? Don't miss the opportunity to work with CrateDB in a guided, step-by-step manner 🙌
Learn how to use CrateDB capabilities to perform advanced data analysis tasks 👉
#cratedb #cratedbcloud #cloud #database #db #data #workshop #realtime #query #store #scale #applications #datadriven
#cratedb #cratedbcloud #cloud #database #db #data #workshop #realtime #query #store #scale #applications #datadriven