Hello #canberra 👋 EnergiZine 3 coming up next week at #questacon, part of #nationalscienceweek
✨ Immerse yourself in an absurd wellness ritual, and design your renewable energy future in the style of a wellness EnergiZine ✨
Places limited, register free at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/energizine-nurturing-energy-transitions-questacon-tickets-693916451787
#canberra #questacon #nationalscienceweek
Hey #canberra, this is coming up this week!
✨ Immerse yourself in an absurd wellness ritual, and design your renewable energy future in the style of a wellness EnergiZine ✨
An #ANU #questacon #designfiction #futures #firstnations #energy jam like no other, part of #UnchartedTerritoryCBR
Places limited, register free at:
#canberra #anu #questacon #designfiction #futures #firstnations #energy #unchartedterritorycbr
Hey #canberra, join us next week at Energizine: Nurturing Energy Transitions…
✨ Immerse yourself in an absurd wellness ritual, and design your renewable energy future in the style of a wellness EnergiZine ✨
A free #ANU #questacon #designfiction #futures #firstnations #energy jam like no other, part of #UnchartedTerritoryCBR
Places limited, register free at:
#canberra #anu #questacon #designfiction #futures #firstnations #energy #unchartedterritorycbr
#Questacon in #Canberra do great things for #ScienceEducation - https://youtu.be/88rpfObPunM
#questacon #canberra #scienceeducation
A sneak peek of something I am very excited about... We reached an exciting milestone in a #geoscience #outreach project at #GeoscienceAustralia 🎉. We took delivery of the first of a series of interactive science exhibits. These portable 'tubs' are designed in collaboration with and built by the the amazing #Questacon team 🤩.
These exhibits will be the basis for future community engagement activities in regional and remote parts of #Australia to build conversations about geoscience and the role we play in understanding how the planet works🌏.
This exhibit is currently being user tested with visiting school groups so we can see how people use it and what they take away from the experience (and nothing like a 9 year old to find ways to use the tools that you didn't expect... 😜)
#geoscience #outreach #geoscienceaustralia #questacon #australia