🎮Late livestream presently!
Once again I intend that we return to Silmaria for more Quest for Glory V!
Having now entered the Rites of Rulership, we take our first steps towards uncovering the assassin...
#Streaming #Livestream #LetsPlay #RetroGaming #RPG #PointAndClick #QuestForGlory
#streaming #livestream #letsplay #retrogaming #rpg #pointandclick #questforglory
🎮Livestream presently!
Tonight I intend that we once again roam the troubled shores of Silmaria in Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire! ^_^
Join me for RPG/Point-and-click heroing fun! ^_^
#Streaming #Livestream #RetroGaming #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RPG #PointAndClick #LetsPlay
#streaming #livestream #retrogaming #questforglory #sierraentertainment #rpg #pointandclick #letsplay
🎮Livestream presently!
Tonight, I intend that we embark on the final leg of an epic journey, as we begin...
🐉Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire!🔥
Join me for the start of a new--and concluding!--adventure!
#Livestream #RetroGaming #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #LetsPlay #PointAndClick #RPG
#livestream #retrogaming #questforglory #sierraentertainment #letsplay #pointandclick #rpg
Sierra Saturday: Let's Play Quest for Glory V: Dragon Fire - Ep.39 - Sea Texas
#Level0NPCs #QuestForGloryV #QuestForGloryVDragonFire #QuestForGlory #DragonFire #QFGV #QFG5 #QuestForGlory5 #QuestForGlory5DragonFire #SierraOnline #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick #RetroGaming #RetroGames #90sAdventureGames
#level0npcs #questforgloryv #questforgloryvdragonfire #questforglory #dragonfire #qfgv #qfg5 #questforglory5 #questforglory5dragonfire #sierraonline #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
🎮Livestream presently!
Tonight I intend that we return once more to Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness!
The missing child has been found--but now a vampire. How might she be rescued...?
Join me to (hopefully) find out! ^_^
#Live #Stream #RetroGaming #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RPG #PointAndClick
#live #stream #retrogaming #questforglory #sierraentertainment #rpg #pointandclick
🎮Livestream presently!
Once more I intend that we venture into the deathly lands of Quest for Glory IV: Shadows of Darkness!
Come join me for not-werewolves, for ominous cards, and likely more besides! ^_^
#Livestream #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RPG #PointAndClick #RetroGaming
#livestream #questforglory #sierraentertainment #rpg #pointandclick #retrogaming
For @sonneveld : screenshots of early versions of the first #LegendOfKyrandia game when it was envisioned as a CRPG hybrid in the vein of #Sierra's #QuestForGlory.
Notice the magic spells at the bottom of the screen - including offensive spells like lightning bolts - and a money system! You can also see some backgrounds with market vendors that were ultimately cut from the game. #adventuregames
#legendofkyrandia #sierra #questforglory #adventuregames
Fun with pixel art. By no means should anybody take this seriously. ;)
#thedig #questforglory #lucasarts #sierra #adventuregames
#thedig #questforglory #lucasarts #sierra #adventuregames
Fun with pixel art. By no means should anybody take this seriously. ;)
#thedig #questforglory #lucasarts #sierra #adventuregames
#thedig #questforglory #lucasarts #sierra #adventuregames
Thanks to MMO Folklorist, the Stephen Emond collection is finally catalogued into #TheVideoGameLibrary!
If you're a fan of #Sierra, #Ultima, or #LeisureSuitLarry, then you gotta check these impressive guides out!
👉 https://thevideogamelibrary.org/blog/hashtags/StephenEmond
#SierraOnline #UltimaOnline #LeisureSuitLarry #KingsQuest #SpaceQuest #PoliceQuest #HiResAdventures #Dynamix #SubLOGIC #BerkeleySystems #SummerDaze #GabrielKnight #QuestForGlory #SchoolHeroes #VideoGames #VideoGame #Gaming #PCGaming #Book #Books @bookstodon
#Books #book #pcgaming #Gaming #videogame #videogames #schoolheroes #questforglory #gabrielknight #summerdaze #berkeleysystems #sublogic #dynamix #hiresadventures #policequest #spacequest #KingsQuest #ultimaonline #sierraonline #LeisureSuitLarry #ultima #sierra #thevideogamelibrary
🎮Livestream presently!
The darkness awaits! As do its shadows! That is, I intend that once again we play Quest for Glory IV!
Join me for danger and discovery in dark Mordavia! ^_^
#Live #Livestream #PointAndClick #RPG #QuestForGlory #SierraEntertainment #RetroGaming
#live #livestream #pointandclick #rpg #questforglory #sierraentertainment #retrogaming
🎮Livestream presently!
Once again I intend to journey into the shadows of Quest for Glory IV!🦇 ^_^
Join me for darkness, the undead, and etheric fluid! ^_^
#Livestream #Stream #RetroGaming #RetroGames #SierraEntertainment #QuestForGlory
#livestream #stream #retrogaming #retrogames #sierraentertainment #questforglory
🎮Livestream presently!
Once more the darkness (and shadows thereof) in Mordavia call! I intend that once again we return to Quest for Glory IV!
Join me, as I hopefully explore deeper into the wilds beyond the town...
#Livestream #Retrogaming #PointAndClick #RPG #Sierra #SierraEntertainment #QuestForGlory
#livestream #retrogaming #pointandclick #rpg #sierra #sierraentertainment #questforglory
🎮Livestream presently!
Once again I intend to play Quest for Glory IV!
In the darkling land of Mordavia, a sinister edifice looms over us, and a ramshackle Adventurer's Guild stands before us. What might they hold...?
Join me to find out! ^_^
#Livestream #Streaming #RetroGaming #PointAndClick #RPG #QuestForGlory #Sierra
#livestream #streaming #retrogaming #pointandclick #rpg #questforglory #sierra
This game is my SOUL. #questforglory 1: So you want to be a hero? I only played a demo for the fifth #game, but I'm here for the whole ride. Don't got much else on quarantine to do. 💀
🎮Livestream presently!
Tonight I intend that we continue our journey through Quest for Glory! ^_^
Specifically, we begin the fourth game: Shadows of Darkness!
Torn away from friends in Tarna, where will our hero land...?
Join me and find out!
#Livestream #QuestForGlory #PointAndClick #RPG #RetroGaming #Horror
#livestream #questforglory #pointandclick #rpg #retrogaming #horror
Update: apparently this might be the work of Josh Koss, aka Orion / @orionrezil on Twitter. #questforglory #qfg #sierra #adventuregames
#questforglory #qfg #sierra #adventuregames
Some fanart found on Imgur of #QuestForGlory 3 in the EGA style of the first two games. Does anyone know the artist? #qfg #sierra #adventuregames
#questforglory #qfg #sierra #adventuregames
#QuestForGlory (whole franchise, but 2 is favorite)
Currently playing #GothamKnights
#7gamestoknowme #questforglory #cityofheroes #skyrim #discworld #monkeyisland #rivercityransom #maniacmansion #GothamKnights
Introduce yourself in five video games:
#questforglory #daggerofamon #myst #masseffect #falloutnewvegas