"He who has no doubts can never learn anything new, can never become more than what he already is."
#freethought #QuestionAuthority #doubt
#freethought #questionauthority #doubt
Wege gibt es viele, Interpretationen auch, aber am besten Mensch macht seine Eigenen Erfahrungen, wie auch immer, es geht nur um das denken, das weiterdenken.
Awakening Mind Teil 1, "Erkenne dich selbst" (2023)
#killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything #spiritualitaet
#killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything #spiritualitaet
Samadhi - Teil 3 - Der weglose Weg
#killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything #spiritualitaet
#killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything #spiritualitaet
Samadhi Film, 2017 – Teil 1 – "Maya, die Illusion des Selbst
#killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything #spiritualitaet
#killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything #spiritualitaet
Religion ist ein abgeschlossenes Weltbild. Das abzulegen ist gut. Viele nehmen dann die Esoterik. Die ist auch ein abgeschlossenes Glaubenssystem. Jede Information, die der Lehre widerspricht, wird verneint und abgewehrt. Spiritualität, manche Lehren sind auch ein Gedankenknast. Aber sie schaden nicht, Yoga tut dem Körper gut, meditieren auch, sehr gut. Aber es geht darum, das Denken zu hinterfragen, auch die Lehren und Gurus zu hinterfragen #killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything
#killyourguru #questionauthority #questioneverything
How to future-proof your novel – a cartoon
#1984 #censorship #QuestionAuthority #cartoons #books #CancelCulture #Orwell #ThoughtPolice
#thoughtpolice #orwell #cancelculture #books #cartoons #questionauthority #censorship
Mmmm okay..but riddle me this, can we really call #xbb116 #xbb115 an #omicron & how’s about #deltacron ?🙄
#minimizers making me question #reality when #PrecautionaryPrinciple should be guiding us PLUS unchecked #mutations & never-ending #variants but sure, #everythingIsJustFine
here’s the thing, DATA IS FROM MAY 2022…🤦🏻♀️
even IF it were true (BIG HUGE IF) it’s<than relevant but most will take this as gospel b/c #authority a science journal said so🙄#questionAuthority
#xbb116 #xbb115 #omicron #deltacron #minimizers #reality #PrecautionaryPrinciple #mutations #variants #everythingisjustfine #nope #authority #questionauthority
thoroughly convinced that cars are one of the top unsafest places to be in unless all the windows are fully open…& most people will balk at doing that #ugh
Would rather fly on a plane + go through airport check-in vs. taking a 20 minute car ride w/🚫😷driver
recently seeing so many cautious people who’ve never gotten #Covid getting it for first time
it’s as if #PH #corporations #government want us to accept the inevitability of #reinfection
#ugh #covid #PH #corporations #government #reinfection #questionauthority #iwontdowhatyoutellme
I mean, if you’ve actually had a #heartAttack & or eat lots of #transFat #butter #steak #junkFood are #obese #genetics #etc
#statins might be actually advisable
Problem is people who really don’t need this but have #highCholesterol & otherwise no health issues are being prescribed by their Dr like it’s 🍬🍭
Just 1 year at a #liberalArts HS did this to me😆 #questionAuthority
She kept pushing & pushing making him re-test after 6 months etc. If not me as impetus he’d probs complied
#heartattack #transfat #butter #steak #junkfood #obese #genetics #etc #statins #highcholesterol #liberalarts #questionauthority
Remember Kids, stay in school, late stage Capitalism is a blight on society, and always question authority!
#education #acab #capitalismsucks #socialism #cannabis #questionauthority
#education #acab #capitalismsucks #socialism #cannabis #questionauthority
No one likes being told what to do.
But no one hates to he on the receiving end of it more than the people _with_ the power to tell other people what to do.
"The association of increased risk of COVID-19 with higher numbers of prior vaccine doses in our study, was unexpected." Not to anyone who's been paying attention... https://www.medrxiv.org/content/10.1101...
#FollowTheScience #FreedomIsEssential #questionauthority #theyliedpeopledied #mybodymychoice #adversereactions #AdverseEvents #MandateFreedom #medicalfreedom #NUREMBERG2 #DiedSuddenly #VAIDS #antibodydependentenhancement #freedom #ADE #TLR #innateimmunesuppression #worldeconomicforum #medicaltyranny #totalitarianism #totalcontrol #newworldorder #nwo #wef #georgiaguidestones #depopulation #populationcontrol #eugenics #notsafenoteffective #unsafeineffective #crimesagainsthumanity #ARRESTGATES #ArrestFauci #Pfizergate #RealNotRare
It is good to question everything. Especially my most cherished beliefs.
Barry Brownstein - How and Why #Government Creates Disease #Panic:
#DiseasePanic #Fauci #FUD #Fear #Anxiety #Hysteria #CollectiveHysteria #Delusion #CognitiveBias #Propaganda #QuestionAuthority #AppealToAuthority #WuhanCoronavirus #Scamdemic #Plandemic
#Plandemic #scamdemic #WuhanCoronavirus #AppealToAuthority #questionauthority #propaganda #CognitiveBias #delusion #CollectiveHysteria #hysteria #anxiety #fear #fud #fauci #DiseasePanic #panic #government
Dennis O'Connor - Can we trust the #experts?
#AppealToAuthority #QuestionAuthority #AdHominemAttack #Bias #ResearcherBias #BigPharma #ConflictOfInterest #ScientificConsensus #Censorship #Propaganda #NoBidContracts #Cronyism #WuhanCoronavirus #Plandemic
#Plandemic #WuhanCoronavirus #cronyism #NoBidContracts #propaganda #Censorship #ScientificConsensus #conflictofinterest #BigPharma #ResearcherBias #bias #AdHominemAttack #questionauthority #AppealToAuthority #experts
The most important legal pathway that would allow Trump to reclaim the Presidency
#bidenregime #challengeauthority #conspiracy #coordinatedfraud #electionfraud #falsepower #fauxauthority #law #lies #persecution #presidenttrump #questionauthority ...
#questionauthority #presidenttrump #persecution #lies #law #fauxauthority #falsepower #electionfraud #coordinatedfraud #Conspiracy #challengeauthority #Bidenregime
Why Are There No Photographs of an Airplane at the Pentagon on 9/11/2001? Go Ahead: Look For Yourself... There is a Bizarre Conspiracy Theory That States: An AIRPLANE CRASHED INTO THE PENTAGON ON 9/11... BUT... NO PHOTOGRAPHIC PROOF... #Think4Yourself #QuestionAuthority https://gvan42.blogspot.com/2020/09/why-are-there-no-photographs-of.html
#think4yourself #questionauthority
Where #FreedomOfThePress goes if you're really not paying attention... #caged. Actual typewriters from #France that had been confiscated by #Nazi #Germany during #WWII ... How'd that go? #media #questionauthority
#freedomofthepress #caged #france #nazi #germany #wwii #media #questionauthority