Io ho una domanda: come funziona il question time del #parlamento? Qualcuno lo sa? Noto che quando viene posta una domanda il Ministro chiamato in causa legge la risposta da dare. Come fa a sapere cosa gli verrà chiesto? Se sa cosa gli verrà chiesto, che senso ha farlo? È come fare un compito in classe sapendo le domande. È normale che sai rispondere. Il question time dovrebbe servire per mettere in difficoltà e fare uscire eventuali problematiche
#parlamento #20luglio #questiontime #salvini
#Tory Minister’s HOWLER On #QuestionTime
#NHS #ToriesOut #ToryScum
#NoPrivatisation #NHSunderfunding
#novaramedia #tory #questiontime #nhs #toriesout #ToryScum #noprivatisation #nhsunderfunding #healthcareisahumanright #HealthcareCrisis
There’s something very sinister about Kate Andrews (who represents nobody) being allowed to monologue about how privatising the NHS would be a good thing & go completely unchallenged, when the democratically elected Labour representative on the panel gets interrupted 5 seconds into her first answer & is barely allowed to finish a sentence throughout the entire show.
#BBCQT #QuestionTime #FionaBruce #NHS #Privatisation #KateAndrews #UK #UKPolitics #FBPE #GTTO #Politics #Austerity #Corruption
#Corruption #austerity #Politics #gtto #fbpe #ukpolitics #UK #kateandrews #privatisation #nhs #FionaBruce #questiontime #bbcqt
Well would you look at who's on Question Time tonight ... Kate Andrews, Assistant Director at the IEA and lobbyist for Private Healthcare.
Seems the BBC hasn't learned anything from platforming Farrige.
#BBCBias #UKPolitics #QuestionTime
#questiontime #ukpolitics #bbcbias
Pink News: Comedian Rosie Jones recalls ‘overwhelming’ ableist trolling after Question Time appearance #LGBT #LGBTQ #Trans #Lesbian #2SLGBTQ #QuestionTime #disability #rosiejones #Celebrity #channel4 #Culture #TV
#lgbt #LGBTQ #trans #lesbian #2SLGBTQ #questiontime #disability #rosiejones #celebrity #channel4 #Culture #TV
Here's a thought. I wonder how long after Helen Whately's car crash appearance on #QuestionTime last night - and the audience's complete repudiation of the Rwanda politcy - the "decision" was taken to brief out the upcoming sacking of Braverman this morning? 🤔
#UKPolitics #ToryChaos #RefugeesWelcome
#refugeeswelcome #torychaos #ukpolitics #questiontime
Just seen a clip from tonight's Question Time. In a majority Conservatve audience, when asked who supports sending refugees to Rwanda, NOT A SINGLE PERSON RAISED THEIR HAND.
#RefugeesWelcome #UKPolitics #QuestionTime #FuckTheTories
#FuckTheTories #questiontime #ukpolitics #refugeeswelcome
No #UK government minister would appear on a #QuestionTime marking 7 years since the #Brexit vote. Are even #Tories getting tired of defending the indefensible?
#tories #brexit #questiontime #uk
Hope you're all tuning in for the Brexit only #QuestionTime tonight, in which NO GOVERNMENT MINISTER is on the panel. 🤷♀️🙄🤬
#UKPolitics #BrexitBrokeBritain #ToryCowards #FFS
#ffs #torycowards #BrexitBrokeBritain #ukpolitics #questiontime
Did anyone watch Question Time last night? I couldn't bear to spoil my good mood. I can't imagine it was anything other than it always is.
#QuestionTime #ToryFiona #UKPolitics #BBCBias
#bbcbias #ukpolitics #toryfiona #questiontime
Question Time, I'm taking bets on:
a) There'll be a Johnsonite (at least one) on the panel
b) Bruce will say "he was forced to resign by the Committee"
c) Isabel Oakeshott/Fraser Nelson will be there
d) Any Labour/other MP or guest will get shouted down or given no time to respond properly.
Don't forget it's a Brexit special, so there's no chance of any of the BBC's fabled "balance".
#QuestionTime #Partygate #Brexit #UKPolitics
#ukpolitics #brexit #PartyGate #questiontime
#JackMonroe spot on and very moving on #QuestionTime tonight. "It's not a #CostOfLivingCrisis, it's a cost of conservatives crisis. all the safety nets have been eroded, there is nothing there. And now things are so bad that it's affecting everyone, including many people who never thought they would need those services" #UK #Inequality #FoodBanks
#jackmonroe #questiontime #Costoflivingcrisis #uk #inequality #foodbanks
What’s the best web (not native) app UI you use regularly on mobile for work? #lazyweb #questiontime #uxresearch
#uxresearch #questiontime #lazyweb
Keep hearing the words "tighten our belts" on #BBC #Questiontime #BBCqt #BBCQuestiontime
Why has the British public kowtowed to this narrative? Taxes are pouring in every day into the #UKtreasury and we're told we have to 'tighten our belts'. How quickly people forget things like #wallpapergate
There's always money for the things politicians want. Never for the things society needs. If the public don't know any better, it's easy to invent tall tales. #ukpolitics
#bbc #questiontime #bbcqt #bbcquestiontime #UKTreasury #wallpapergate #ukpolitics
Question Time Laughter As Tory Minister Dismisses Brexit Having Any Impact On Economic Woes - HuffPost UK #questiontime #uk #brexit
the face of a government off the rails. Also, why is the #BBC allowing Fiona Bruce to constantly step in and be a Tory mouthpiece? She's like the #QuestionTime Tory defender. 'Fiona to the rescue'. Shambolic.