Don't mind me, getting caught up on the Kwame (the Boy Genius) episode of #QuestloveSupreme.
I'll just leave this here.
Other podcasts I've listened to:
- #YouMustRememberThis (I haven't listened to this one as often as I'd like; the Erotic 80s episodes are really enlightening)
- Paul Scheer & Amy Nicholson's #Unspooled (another film podcast I listened to a lot but haven't done so lately)
- @KennethWReid's #TVGuidanceCounselor (I was a guest on this podcast about TV; lately, I've been watching the extras at the TV Guidance YouTube channel more often than listening to the actual episodes)
#youMustRememberThis #unspooled #questlovesupreme #tvguidancecounselor