We finally talk about 13th Age #Glorantha, with guests Becca and Evan from Iconic Production! We look at 13AG's strengths, compare it to #RuneQuest and #Questworlds, and plunder it for cool mechanics to use in other #TTRPG games! https://godlearners.com/episode-26-chaos-rises/
#glorantha #runequest #questworlds #ttrpg
@AndreasDavour @ian_h_cooper Would be very interested too. I was at the QuestWorlds session this year at ChaosiumCon 2023 (Tx! @ian_h_cooper) and the latest version of QW and Glorantha is among the top of my list for ttrpg wishes and stars - having had a great HeroQuest Glorantha game at the same con. #questworlds
@nukehavoc Thanks! I've so many #FitD games waiting 4 play, they'd make a multiverse. I want to house rule #Scum And Villainy and Gambits into #BladesInTheDark . #SavageWorlds is the only thing I haven't seen in your lisf, but have to one shot one day.
My latest experiences are: #Runequest, #Questworlds (Really Heroquest in #Glorantha), #Gumshoe: Swords of the Serpentine is great and #BelongingOutsideBelonging one shot of This Night on the Rooftops that was electrifying with family.
#fitd #scum #bladesinthedark #savageworlds #runequest #questworlds #glorantha #gumshoe #BelongingOutsideBelonging
@gorobar @paizo The same here, and I also need to find a lighter system. Most certainly @Chaosium's #QuestWorlds.
Alright, #QuestWorlds Index is done. You all better use it to look up stuff in play because that was a slog.
Cuando me eché a matar PJ con la OSR... Ehm, perdón, ¿puede borrar eso? Sí, sí, que no salga publicado, ¿eh? Gracias, gracias.
Decía que, cuando me eché a jugar a la OSR aprendí mucho sobre cuándo quería ir a degüello con los PJ y cuándo no. Entonces llevaba hasta un tablón con los nombres de los personajes y el número de sesiones que llevaban con vida. Nos reíamos bastante.
Que todo el mundo en mesa aceptara eventos como un #TPK era tan refrescante como liberador. Pasado el tiempo comprendí que la cuestión era el tipo de historia que quería contar.
Después de eso ya no hubo más problemas, resultó ser una cuestión de contrato social. También de ojo a la hora de escoger el sistema, no volví a tirar detrás de una pantalla nunca más.
Si dirigía #OSR, los jugadores aceptaban los resultados fatales.
Si dirigía Heroquest, se entendía que la historia primaba y que nadie iba a morir en una tirada aleatoria.
De hecho, HQ y ahora #Questworlds hablan de acordar este tipo de resultados con los jugadores, ya sea antes de la escena o en el momento si fuera dramáticamente apropiado.
De ahí que piense que hacer trampas con las tiradas (sea del lado que sea de la pantalla) es más una cuestión de falta de confianza, ya sea en los jugadores, en la persona que dirige o en el sistema.
Aunque luego os sorprendería ver la cantidad de jugadores que ADORAN que les mates el PJ en un momento clave.
Caution: #RPG niche post. A few ciders & the application of music may have resulted in not one, not two, but four (!) potential outings for the Wind Child's Sisters! Skull Bush City Limits, Journey into the Waste, Caravan of Love & Broadsword and the Beasts. This could go very well, or very badly... O dear...#Glorantha #QuestWorlds
Cuánto más lo pienso, más convencido estoy de dirigir a #Questworlds para retomar la afición.
Estoy leyendo con calma X8-Drums on Fire Mountain con idea de plantear algo clásico en Mystara, pero no descarto opciones aún.
Hara and Ula Dinorthsdottir on the battlements of Dundealosford. this is an illustration from RISE OF THE WILDLINGS, the follow-up to the recently re-released Valley of Plenty.
#questworlds #glorantha #chaosium #jaldonkillers
For me it started to make sense when I treated it as Fate, but with dials to turn it into a conflict or task resolution engine, on a scene by scene engine.
If you try to create a game based on the QueastWorld SRD, I think you could do well by considering that, and decide how you present that aspect.
To say nothing about actually trying to gm the game.
#fate #questworlds #herowars #heroquest #ttrpg
To make matters more interesting, you can then run a scene where you roll for each task in a task by task way, rolling to spot the clue and to pick the lock.
The weird thing this is all done with the same game system, and it present itself not in one of these guises, but all at the same time! It's a bit hard to figure out what it's intended to be!
#fate #questworlds #herowars #heroquest #ttrpg
In QuestWorlds, you can run it just like you do in Fate. But, since the abilities you have are your narrative power, not a model for specific skills, you can shift gear in mid game.
After a scene where the characters augmented each other and made a big splash, you can roll off between two abilities to resolve a two month long stretch of actions.
#fate #questworlds #herowars #heroquest #ttrpg
The Herowars/Heroquest games always felt like they never fit in as a task resolution system, nor a pure conflict resolution system. In our latest session of QuestWorlds, I grabbed on to my experience with Fate, and I think it made the game show where it shines.
In Fate, all roleplaying actions have a game mechanic effect, and it is expected for actions to build upon each others, with Advantages and Aspects giving bonuses to the final action.
#fate #questworlds #herowars #heroquest #ttrpg
Hier soir, j'ai maîtrisé une partie bien sympathique de #StarWarsVisions avec le système #QuestWorlds. J'ai encore quelques points de règles à assimiler toutefois. #jdr
#StarWarsVisions #questworlds #jdr
Yesterday, I ran a fun #ttrpg session of #StarWarsVisions using the #QuestWorlds system, and it was really great. I still need to grab some of the subtleties in the rules though. #rpg #jdr @foundryvtt @Chaosium
#ttrpg #StarWarsVisions #questworlds #rpg #jdr
Having tried to use QuestWorlds as a purely conflict resolution system, I diverged a bit in our last session and did a few contests as pure task resolution, as it added drama. It's a system that doesn't easily slot into previous expectations.
#QuestWorlds #Glorantha #TaskResolution #ConflictResolution #ttrpg
#questworlds #glorantha #taskresolution #conflictresolution #ttrpg
A second session of QuestWorlds in Prax done and dusted. We tried some combat, and the abstract system counting successes worked quite well. Had I not had Fate experience, I think it would have been harder to work in everyone with their abilities, even those not combat related.
#questworlds #glorantha #ttrpg #prax
We tried to play QuestWorlds last night, and it worked decently enough. We only had one conflict, and while everyone got the idea, it took a while to get all the adding and augmenting explained.
But, as I tried to run it as a Conflict Resolution system, it clearly illuminated how tough it is to take a RQ scenario like I did, and try to run it like that.
Maybe I will try to nudge it more towards Task Resolution for the next session.
#questworlds #runequest #conflictresolution
I've read the QuestWorlds SRD printout I have, and it's amazing to see how things that makes some kind of sense in it, makes no sense at all in HeroQuest Glorantha. Mind boggling.
#questworlds #heroquest #glorantha
Attention hopping like a squirrel on speed, I've started to think that running the Bear With Teeth Praxian scenarios with Questworlds would be a good idea.
#ttrpg #questworlds #glorantha #prax #beerwithteeth