Vereesh · @temporal_spider
88 followers · 193 posts · Server

My of the day. Zoodles with Hatch pepper sausage, green onions, tomato pesto sauce, and homemade chicken broth, topped with parmesan. Humble soups are wonderful for , and , because as long as you have stock, a seasoning, and something to put in it, you always have a tasty, comforting meal. Great way to use up leftovers, and experiment with new flavors, and grocery stores offer lots of foods already prepped, making it easier to cook.

#humblesoup #chronicillness #quickmeal

Last updated 1 year ago

Falco SkyWolf · @falcoskywolf
69 followers · 640 posts · Server

Today's dinner:

Tomato soup (I buy it by the carton so I can seal it.)
Raw, shelled pumpkin seeds
Shredded carrots
Italian seasoning
Garlic powder
Red pepper flakes
Dry minced onion
The crumbly remnants of a bag of pistachios

Served with blue corn and sesame seed tortilla chips.

#vegetarian #recipe #easymeal #vegetables #soup #tasty #quickmeal

Last updated 1 year ago

Ellie Kennard 🌱 · @elliek
110 followers · 700 posts · Server

Here's the thing: On busy days, I don't have time to make a meal from scratch and sometimes my leftovers are finished. Today is one of those days, but there are so many choices available in the stores that I can always dig into the freezer for ideas. One of our favourites is Amy's Black Bean ,today served with frozen French beans, edemame, sweet potatoes and salsa. Microwaved then
Filling & Delicious. Bon Appetit!

#comeforlunch #burrito #airfried #veganuary #quickmeal #freezer #vegan #justplants

Last updated 2 years ago