Great #inkscape #quicktip by #SweaterCatDesigns
New Method for Rounding Corners in Inkscape 1.3
#sweatercatdesigns #quicktip #inkscape
In this video we learn how Kafka Streams Consumers behave differently from regular Kafka Consumers, the consequences for the application, as well as steps to minimise downtimes in event processing when consumer group members change.
With a single config change, reduce rebalance downtime for your stateless Kafka Streams Apps from 45s to <100ms!
#PerformanceOptimization #kafkastreams #demo #quicktip
#QuickTip from a #copyeditor:
Apostrophes can cause no end of drama.
In a nutshell: Apostrophes indicate contractions or ownership - NEVER a plural.
Get your apostrophes sorted – check out my blog:
#quicktip #copyeditor #amediting #amwriting #sffh
A #QuickTip since I didn't know this until I stumbled upon it just now... You can select any tab in #Firefox by holding down the CTRL/CMD key and then close them all at once by pressing CTRL/CMD-w, it should also work to move all to a new window, new container or send to a device!
#quicktip #firefox #fridaytips #tipsandtricks
#QuickTip from a #copyeditor:
Apostrophes can cause no end of drama.
In a nutshell: Apostrophes indicate contractions or ownership - NEVER a plural.
Its = belonging to it.
It’s = it is.
Get your apostrophes demystified on my blog:
#QuickTip from a #copyeditor:
Are you using the right #dash?
Dashes are incredibly important in fiction, but there's more than one kind of dash – all with different lengths, different uses, and different rules governing their use.
Check out my blog post for the skinny on dashes!
#quicktip #copyeditor #dash #authors #writers #punctuation
#QuickTip from a #copyeditor:
Wondering how you should format your manuscript for your editor? I put everything in this Blog Post, including a step-by-step for adding 'First Line Indent' to get rid of those paragraph tabs!
#quicktip #copyeditor #authors #writers #BookStadon #dontupsetyoureditor
#Quicktip from a #copyeditor:
#authors #WritingTips
Do you use The Royal Order of Adjectives?
Most #writers use adjectives instinctively, but they sound best in a specific order.
Find out more on my blog post:
#quicktip #copyeditor #authors #writingtips #writers
#QuickTip from a #copyeditor:
Inconsistency can throw a reader straight out of the story, reducing their enjoyment and spoiling their experience.
Your locations, your characters, and your references should be consistent throughout your manuscript. Your fictional city can't be in a forest in Ch 4 and have open skies in Ch 18 (wouldn't the trees block the sky?).
A #StyleSheet can help, keeping track of the details...
Check out my blog post!
#quicktip #copyeditor #StyleSheet
#quicktip #flipboard users. If you hit a #paywall on your feed a lot of times it can be subverted by switching to reader view.
#QuickTip from a #Copyeditor:
The length and structure of your sentences can control the pace of your story and evoke emotion in your reader.
For example, to increase tension, treat your sentences like flashes of light in a dark room.
'Wide eyes scanned the darkness. A glimmer of light. A window? An escape!'
#quicktip #copyeditor #amediting #amwriting #writingtips #authors #writers
#QuickTip from a #Copyeditor:
Body parts function in specific ways, and you can assume your readers know how the body works – hands clap, feet (or legs) kick, shoulders shrug, and so on. You can't nod with your hands, you can't kick with your arms.
With that in mind, 'He rose to his feet, the note in his hands' would be better as 'He stood, clutching the note'.
Have you checked your writing for unnecessary body parts?
#writers #authors #WritingTips #amediting #amwriting #33SouthTextworks
#quicktip #copyeditor #writers #authors #writingtips #amediting #amwriting #33southtextworks
#QuickTip from a #copyeditor:
Be aware of redundant or unnecessary words that clutter your writing. For example:
'John woke up with a start'
Woke/wake means to stop sleeping (among other things!) so the 'up' is redundant.
'I pushed the red button down'
Activating a button always makes it go down/in, meaning 'down' is unnecessary.
#quicktip #copyeditor #EditingTips #writers #authors #33southtextworks
Another #quicktip for #inkscape by #LogosByNick
#foss #opensource #vectorArt #Design #LogoDesign
And for anyone who wants to get up to speed quickly with Inkscape or #Gimp they have a collection of free videos, plus super affordable getting started series.
#gimp #logodesign #design #vectorart #opensource #foss #logosbynick #inkscape #quicktip
My first Maya Quick Tip!
Edge > Curve > Sweep Mesh Workflow for quickly creating rope / root assets.
Quick tip for Visual Studio Code users. VSCode defaults to the folder name in the window title, but you can override this using `window.title` in your settings.
#VSCode #visualstudiocode #dev #coding #programming #quicktip
#vscode #visualstudiocode #dev #coding #programming #quicktip
How to differentiate UV for instance, a quick tip 😉
#blender3d #quicktip #b3d #blendertip
Maybe someone will need how to convert mesh to UV positions. It is important that the mesh is cut where there are seams
Below I will add a screenshot of the nodes
#blender3d #quicktip #b3d #blendertip
I'm not a fan of "Sign in with Google" prompts on websites.
So I turned it off on my Google account.
Here's how you can turn it off in your account, too.