Seems like the Apple weather app just can’t play anymore. I think it accurately states the current temperature if and only if it’s not more than about 75°F. Any higher and it’s like “oh 79° is 89° is 99° is 109°, wtf idc 88° feels like 118° so just do whatever” 🥴
#Wx #QuietQuitting
@MBoucaquet Merci ! 🙏🏿
Ca va m'aider, dans mon #QuietQuitting. Fatigué d'avoir passé ma carrière à être pris pour du jambon.
@quincy @aral But I guess that's mostly because those people only get paid minimum wage and thus have neither the time nor spoons to do more than check if a ticket is valid or not.
Basically what antisocial assholes in the USA would call "#QuietQuitting" and what's known in Germany is "following the contract to the letter",
Their devices can't distinguish whether it's printed or on a screen besides glare screens preventing the camera of their PDA to scan it with all the shitty reflections.
"We are #labor! You can not exist without us" ✊🏿
Every #worker everywhere should take action, now.
#Strikes. #SlowDowns. "#QuietQuitting" (i.e., do only what you've agreed to when #hired or in #negotiation, and are fairly paid for, not one bit more, ever).
Your boss is never your friend. Demand ALL that is rightfully yours.
YOU do the work, YOU are the value, not any executive.
Only as long as you keep eating it will they keep feeding you bullshit, so stop.
#Union #negotiation #hired #quietquitting #slowdowns #strikes #worker #labor
That's an interesting take and might also be associated with #quietquitting I guess?
The capture of the gains of #productivity is a key issue & certainly would be linked with the decline in #unions effective power
#quietquitting #productivity #unions
I have a new piece in
The Conversation Canada
where I discuss burnout.
We’re still burned out in 🇨🇦 and more so than a year ago.
Many of us are quiet quitting, simply because our employers don’t take burnout seriously, even though burnout is very serious.
#quietquitting #burnout #gender #inequalities #CareWork
@rene what #HustleCulture propagandists aka. asshole-bosses don't know:
What they call #QuietQuitting is the norm in #Germany: Follwing contracts to the letter.
If one wants people to work more, they sgould pay more for that!
#Germany #quietquitting #hustleculture
Quiet Quitting: Ende der Überstunden?
Jeder dritte deutsche Angestellte ist ein Quiet Quitter. Macht nicht mehr, als sein muss, und Dienst nach Vorschrift.
#Arbeitswelt #Karriere #Motivation #quietquitting #Überstunden
#verpasstodon #arbeitswelt #karriere #motivation #quietquitting #uberstunden
Zoom’s AI will synthesize summaries of the meetings you missed. #GoneFishin #QuietQuitting
more screenshots from the idea
esp if you are a person of privileges, middle class, think of yourself as respectable and responsible person, have secure job... why not? really?
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #activism #quietquitting #TangPing #biodiversityLoss #nature #hours4climate #work #jobs
#jobs #Climate #ClimateCrisis #activism #quietquitting #tangping #biodiversityloss #nature #hours4climate #work
a friend's friend wrote this
i think it's quite nice, and i agree with it plenty!
very compatible with the #QuietQuitting idea, also esp suitable for people who work in #BullshitJobs anyway, corporate world, esp in directly harmful sectors (fossil fuel companies, most #finance #advertising , some #legal jobs...
#quietquitting #bullshitjobs #finance #advertising #legal #ClimateCrisis #lifehack #hours4climate #Climate
"work less - more time to organize"
ei, ei ole kestävä ratkaisu olla pois töistä ja work less kun on kipeänä kotona, ja puuhastella ilmastoon liittyvien asioiden parissa, mutta onhan sitä tullut tehtyä 🤭
ei kyl tää kovin hiljaista oo tää yskä ja aivastelu 😁
@Radical_EgoCom I only work the hours I get paid for as per contract.
What shitheads call "#QuietQuitting" is simply upholding my contractual obligations.
If you want me to work more / longer, pay me more!
#QuietQuitting used to be coming to the office and doing as little as possible. With remote work, it's "I'm going to accept this new job, and keep collecting my paycheck from my old job until they fire me"
I finally let go one guy after seeing that his code was just getting worse and worse and worse, clearly almost no time spent on things.
For me, I felt all terrible, like I was going to leave him in the lurch, but now I realize that he was just sucking money out of my bank account and was going to keep doing it until I shut off the spigot.
I try not to take it personally, but when I'm not with my family because I have to spend the evening redoing shitty work from a guy I THOUGHT was just having a hard time, it's pretty irritating.
It's not just the money, but literally taking moments of life with my family because he can get away with it.
Whatever. I guess that's just how it is now.
RT @mi_tanker
@PapNdiaye J'aurai 96€ avant impôts (et non 100.)
Et c'est tout. Après 23 ans.
Si c'est pas du mépris ça.
#nonaupacteenseignant #quietquitting
Our work/consumption infrastructure (aka capitalism) is designed to entrap us into doing evil or involuntarily supporting those who do evil. People have to survive, and it's natural to rationalize what we're being forced to do ("it's the way of the world").
There are two things you *can* do. One is to avoid unkind or hurtful actions on a personal level. The other is to step outside the machinery of evil (as is consistent with your day-to-day survival).
#consumerstrike #quietquitting
Warum sollte es dem Schachmeister anders gehen? 😉
Quiet quitting: massaal mentaal uitgelogd beste #NRC Dat is niet de kantjes eraf lopen! Dat is werk doen waar je voor betaald wordt. Als bazen willen dat we meer doen, zullen ze de portemonee moeten trekken! Ik word voor 40 uur betaald, dan ga ik niet 41+ uur werken.
#QuietQuitting doesn't exist!