Bom domingo e boa semana!
It is now a #QuietSunday, with
#Coffee, #Mastodon and #TheBeatles
#snoopyforever #snoopysunday #thebeatles #mastodon #coffee #quietsunday
This is my plan for today. It was a busy week. So I am a “couch potato” today. Coffee, podcasts and writing for me.
#introvertsgroove #snoopyforever #snoopysunday #quietsunday
Buenos Dias … Good Morning. I am so ready for a #QuietSunday how about you? ❤️🔥❤️🔥
#sundaymorning #coffee #snoopy #goodvibesonly #snoopyrules #snoopyforever #quietsunday
#quietsunday #catsofmastodon #cats
Cricket, Nocy and Bella soaking up the sun on the catio.
#quietsunday #catsofmastodon #cats
Good Morning #Mastodonians
#mastodon #quietsunday #snoopy #snoopysunday #mastodonians
Photo: Forsyth Park Fountain, Savannah, Georgia, USA
A quiet Sunday, snowy walk.
Cardinal Bridge,
Deschutes River in Bend
#sunriver #Bend #oregon #snow #quietsunday #silentsunday
Algures por #Portugal
#quietsunday #photograhy #CrappyNikon
#portugal #quietsunday #photograhy #CrappyNikon
Does this count as a #quietsunday??? Antonio Faraò Trio is about to start at Blue Note Milano.
#quietsunday #bluenote #milano #jazz
We had such a good colour scheme going on on today's #sonntagsspaziergang #quietsunday #bamberg
#bamberg #quietsunday #sonntagsspaziergang
Enjoying #coffee in bed with the Fox on this #QuietSunday morning. Linda has taken over the end of the bed #CatsOfMastododon #RussianBlue
#RussianBlue #catsofmastododon #quietsunday #Coffee
Nocy, Cricket and Bella taking in the sun on the catio :heart_eyes_cat_trans:
#cats #catsofmastodon #quietsunday
#cats #catsofmastodon #quietsunday