During the last two years we have traveled nearby via car, for storm watching and smoke season to Washington state’s Pacific coast at #Quileute Oceanside Resort. Monday we took our #EV charging in 20 minutes in Port Angeles: the #airquality #AQI was in the green every day but Thursday. Here are my handpainted travel sneakers in PA, using fluid #acrylics incl interference, with fabric medium at 1:1 ratio, let dry >24 hours, then heat set with a hair dryer 15 min.
#quileute #ev #airquality #aqi #acrylics
RT @avzaagzonunaada@twitter.com
The #Quileute words for ‘sun’ & ‘moon’ are the same, both pit̓ítsc̓hoʔ (~ p̓it̓ítsc̓hoʔ). It also means ‘month’, which is not unusual as lots of languages have polysemy between ‘moon’ & ‘month’ (Khowar mās, Circassian māza). But not distinguishing ‘sun’ from ‘moon’ must be rarer.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/avzaagzonunaada/status/1609392256066420736