Here is what #Quillette founder says about #TakeBackAlberta's upcoming fund raising event speaker, James Lindsay...
#Alberta #Edmonton #Calgary #TBA #ableg #abpoli #TBAPlatformsAntiSemites
#quillette #takebackalberta #alberta #edmonton #calgary #tba #ableg #abpoli #tbaplatformsantisemites #tbaplatformsracebaiters
LOL #nickcave is now the darling of the #IDW, interviewed in racist rag #quillette So glad I never liked his music.
Does anybody else find it odd that the #IntellectualDarkWeb gang and their HQ, racist rag #Quillette has nothing to say about the ongoing Florida book banning?
#IntellectualDarkWeb #quillette
Other topics relevant to this piece: #AnnelouDeVries #BellvTavistock #BernardLane #CassReview #ColinWright #DiannaKenny #EmmaHilton #ErinReed #eugenics #FlorenceAshley #GenderIdentityTheory #GenderIdeology #HelenStaniland #interphobia #JKRowling #JudithButler #JuliaSerano #LindaGale #NewYorkTimes #NewsCorp #ParadoxInstitute #PeggyCohenKettenis #PogustGoodhead #Quillette #racism #RayBlanchard #ROGD #StanilandQuestion #TaliaMaeBettcher #Tavistock #ThomasSteensma #transphobia #WPATH #ZacharyElliott
#anneloudevries #bellvtavistock #bernardlane #cassreview #colinwright #diannakenny #emmahilton #erinreed #eugenics #florenceashley #genderidentitytheory #genderideology #HelenStaniland #interphobia #jkrowling #judithbutler #juliaserano #lindagale #NewYorkTimes #newscorp #paradoxinstitute #peggycohenkettenis #pogustgoodhead #quillette #racism #rayblanchard #ROGD #StanilandQuestion #taliamaebettcher #Tavistock #thomassteensma #transphobia #wpath #zacharyelliott
Here's Peter Viereck on the #Nazi propagandist and mythologist Alfred Rosenberg: "Rosenberg bores both the uneducated and the well educated, but is the god of the semi-educated, whom earnest dullness and obscure grandiloquence impress as scholarly and authoritative." And if that brings both #quillette and #JordanPeterson to mind.
#nazi #quillette #jordanpeterson
@Minkowitz -
one of my favorite Nation articles was written by Donna Minkowitz - check it out #nation #thenation #racescience #quillette #minkowitz
#nation #thenation #racescience #quillette #minkowitz
Although #DaveRubin likes speaking to intellectuals, he is not one, and this makes him ill-suited to stewarding serious intellectual discussions. He is a talk-show host, and his softball interviewing style—affable, accommodating, agreeable, and eager-to-please—seems to be the product of general, not strategic, ignorance.
All About Dave. New in #Quillette
#daverubin #quillette #politics #culture
The Enduring Cruelty of Canada’s Residential Schools
#residentialschools #canpol #quillette
#Quillette #podcast host Jon Kay speaks with Atlantic Magazine writer Helen Lewis about the fate of Nancy Spector, who lost her job at the pinnacle of the #Manhattan #art world amidst a flurry of unsubstantiated accusations by independent scholar Chaédria LaBouvier.
#quillette #podcast #manhattan #art
"Mikhail Gorbachev was a man who, unusually for a high-ranking communist, clove to an ideal version of socialism and expected his vision to be generally shared, beyond the circle of his fellow idealists. He generally recoiled from deadly force'
Idealist and Idiot
Was it appropriate to shut down the #FreedomConvoy2022 protest in Ottawa? Absolutely. Was it accurate for the government and media to treat the protesters and their supporters as "a homegrown hate farm"? Absolutely not.
#JonathanKay goes through examples of anti-protester hysteria in this piece:
#quillette #canpol #JonathanKay #FreedomConvoy2022
The great #JonathanHaidt again:
#jonathanhaidt #podcast #instagram #quillette
A recent article on #Quillette on #TheGreatestBooks, #books, #literature (and #audiobooks):
I felt identified with so much, that here go eight direct #quotes that I make my own, where I made just a few edits (between square brackets):
#TheGreatestBooks #quillette #books #literature #audiobooks #quotes