August 21-27: taking a break

As someone with chronic illness, I think about this a lot. I have to take breaks often and productivity is nonexistent for me sometimes 😭

I know taking a break is important but I wish I could do more.


#quillsquest #authorsofmastodon #amwriting #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

TwedeeNimbus · @twedeenimbus
0 followers · 1 posts · Server

Oh boy, I had a plenty of writer's blocks! I remember how I felt when I was dealing with it when writing out the story for my narrative comics, especially current project (Piper's Treehouse). Sometimes, I just took breaks from writing and do something else, such as fishing.


#quillsquest #writing #prompt

Last updated 1 year ago

For Pete's Sake · @PeteLittle1970
344 followers · 1001 posts · Server


I started writing to this . I got a bit carried away and realised that unless I opted to many many linked toots it was too big to be and ended up as a rough 1st draft short story instead. Posted (nay vomited forth ) on my much maligned blog :)


prompt was


#quillsquest #writing #prompt #microfiction #root #systems #amwriting #writingcommunity

Last updated 1 year ago

Jesse Miksic · @miksimum
256 followers · 630 posts · Server

Riding a new scooter
is hard, especially
before your 3rd birthday,

But letting someone else
carry your scooter --
that is impossible.

At least until your
big sister walks with you,
holding your hand.

#quillsquest #poetry #smallpoems #authorsofmastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

The Poet Sky :verifiedtrans: · @ThePoetSky
40 followers · 34 posts · Server

prompt for July 17-24: Internal Monologue

I started dating my girlfriend back in February, and several of my closest friends reacted poorly to the news, and I still don't really understand why. So I wrote this to put my thoughts down about it.

(Enjoy the monospace font)

#quillsquest #poetry

Last updated 1 year ago

for Jul 10/16: Where is home? (Ooh! I actually have a quote for this one. Coolcoolcool.)

She knew every creak before it sounded. That was what made a place home—knowing all its creaks and drafts and moldy corners, knowing where each secret passage and attic spider and old photo album kept itself. Maybe that’s what made someone family too. Maybe Shakespeare had become her family, not just because they cohabited, but because Bryony knew, for example, exactly what he would say next.


Last updated 1 year ago

Shane en RĂ©flexion · @shane
65 followers · 190 posts · Server

PrÚs du temple sur la colline, une statue était assise. Alors que le soleil se couchait à l'horizon, un écureuil galoppa jusqu'à l'extrémité d'une branche et plongea son regard dans celui de la masse de pierre inerte.
Je sentis le doux soleil d'un soir d'été sur ma pierre devenu chair. L'écureil me lança un dernier coup d'oeil avant de s'enfuir vivre le reste de sa vie. Je suis sûr d'avoir aperçu un sourire dans ses petits yeux pétillants. Moi aussi, je souriais.

Inspiré par le


Last updated 1 year ago

Per Bengtsson · @SgtBlake
83 followers · 329 posts · Server

En sökare Àr jag.

Jobbar som politiker till vardags - Àr oppositionsrÄd. Jag skapar inte konflikt - men jag söker upp den. Livet bestÄr av konflikter mellan olika intressen.

Jag njuter av musik i nÀstan alla dess former. Jag Àr en fena pÄ sÄvÀl sex som fyra strÀngar. Det viktiga Àr inte noterna - det Àr kÀnslan. DÀrför föredrar jag Young före Stills, Keith före Wood, Kurt framför Eddie. Men jag blir hÀnförd av de alla.



Last updated 1 year ago

Zeolith :AuVerify: · @zeolith
122 followers · 446 posts · Server

Through the crimson cristalline planes passes sun light, crossed and distorted by the liminal grains. Rays of echos, traces of waves, red caustics dancing on the solemn ground, projections of a fiery glasswork, cut and cut and cut in sheets thinner than star dust.

And as the sun rises and sets, the drawings on the ground respond as would shallow water, ephemeral, flickering painting made of photons. This mesmerizing fluidity is the most beautiful thing to be...



Last updated 1 year ago