#Diet for a Hotter #Climate: Five Plants That Could Help Feed the World
As the planet warms, these five drought-tolerant and highly nutritious crops offer hope for greater resiliency
#diet #climate #amaranth #quinoa #fonio #cowpeas #Taro #Kernza
It's Sunday and I've done over 70km on the #bike, so it must be #SilkenTofu for tea! I thought I'd ditch rice this week and have it on three grain #quinoa. Of course it's delicious! #VeganFood #VeganUK #GoVegan🌱 #EatPlants #DeleteTheMeat #EatPlantsNotAnimals #PlanetOfThePlants #Tofu
#bike #silkentofu #quinoa #veganfood #veganuk #govegan #eatplants #deletethemeat #eatplantsnotanimals #planetoftheplants #tofu
Na één slechte ervaring met #quinoa #koken heb ik jarenlang het pakje in de kast gelaten. Vorige week was het moment, de uiterste houdbaarheidsdatum was al ver overschreden, om het weg te werpen, danwel nog een uiterste poging te doen. Ik besloot alles in één keer te koken en ik eet na drie dagen nog steeds opgewarmde quinoa. Heerlijk! Waar zaten mijn smaakpapillen de eerste keer? Vermoedelijk heb ik toen te kort gekookt en bleef de quinoa hard? #culinair avontuur.
Here is the result of a Friday night panic cook! I looked in the fridge and realized there was a lot of vegetables near turning point. I had this Smoky Black Bean and Quinoa soup recipe stuck to the cupboard door. It’s more of a fall recipe I think, but it tastes great and all my veg worked with it! I also got to try a new type of squash! #soup #goodhousekeepingrecipe #smokyflavor #vegetarian #vegetariancooking #easyvegetarian #lunchforone #mexicanfood #quinoa #beansoup
#soup #goodhousekeepingrecipe #smokyflavor #vegetarian #vegetariancooking #easyvegetarian #lunchforone #mexicanfood #quinoa #beansoup
5 Good reasons to eat #quinoa, the “gold of the Incas”
5 Good reasons to eat quinoa, the “gold of the Incas”
#hearthealth #superfood #quinoa #organic #naturalremedies #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness
#hearthealth #superfood #quinoa #organic #naturalremedies #healthyliving #healthylifestyle #wellness
¿Qué le ha pasado a mi #quinoa ? He seguido estrictamente las instrucciones del paquete
Il pleut
Une vraie pluie
Tout n'est as semé
Il reste #chanvre #quinoa et #lentilles
Mais ça va faire du bien aux sols
J'entends presque le pois chiche germer à côté du fournil !
#paysan #lentilles #quinoa #chanvre
The wife can't eat lentils, garlic, or wheat right now, but she had a craving for #curry. She suggested #quinoa as a stand-in for #lentils, so I created this quinoa curry inspired by Dal Tadka. The quinoa has a strong flavor, but so do the spices. 😋
Paired it with gluten free cast iron #flatbread (an improvised #vegan+#gluten free naan). I still prefer wheat flour to rice flour (and dairy yogurt), but it did the job. It could scoop curry, and it had a bready chew. 😋 #Cooking
#curry #quinoa #lentils #flatbread #vegan #gluten #cooking
Premier #quinoa cultivé dans les #alpes ?
Peut être bien
An 1 a été un test un peu laborieux avec sécheresse et gel d'automne
On ensemence an 2 avec un peu plus de 2ha !
Wait and see
Il me reste à faire des sacs. Poser un prix et trouver des clients curieux !
J'ai goûté avant hier. Ça a bien un goût de #quinoa et je ne suis toujours pas mort :)
New on Entomology Today: Quinoa's emergence as an attractive, climate-resilient crop in the U.S. has been met with a fresh challenge from a stem-boring fly species, Amauromyza karli, previously known in Canada. While research is scant on this new pest, a new profile in the Journal of Integrated Pest Management outlines what we know—and what we need to find out—about reducing its impact on quinoa. #insects #entomology #quinoa #IPM https://entomologytoday.org/2023/04/20/united-states-quinoa-fly-pest-amauromyza-karli/
#insects #entomology #quinoa #ipm
⚠️ Il ministero della Salute ha segnalato il #richiamo da parte del produttore di altri lotti di #quinoa bianca a marchio #Lina per la presenza di ➡️ elevati livelli del pesticida clorpirifos e di clorati.
Il prodotto in questione è venduto in confezioni da 500 grammi con tutti i termini minimi di conservazione (Tmc) dal 26/11/2023 al 15/08/2024.
#richiamo #quinoa #lina #sicurezzaalimentare
Mein erster Etikettenschwindel ist dieser Snack von snatt's. Wer erwartet, dass ein Produkt, auf dem groß „QUINOA“ steht, vor allem aus diesem besteht, der wird sich beim Blick auf die Zutatenliste aber wundern. #Etikettenschwindel #Verbraucherschutz #Verbrauchertäuschung #Quinoa #Reis #Vegan
#etikettenschwindel #verbraucherschutz #verbrauchertauschung #quinoa #reis #vegan
⚠️ Il ministero della Salute ha segnalato il #richiamo da parte dell’operatore di un lotto di #quinoa bianca a marchio Lina per la ➡️ presenza di elevato contenuto del pesticida organofosfato clorpirifos e di clorati.
Il prodotto in questione è venduto in confezioni da 500g, con il numero di lotto 123023QU e il termine minimo di conservazione (Tmc) 23/07/2024.
#richiamo #quinoa #sicurezzaalimentare