I’m Só Trying To Quit, #multimedia on #paper #cardboard
#art #artgallery #artist #artistsonmastodon #artonmastodon #artoftheday #artofmastodon #multimediaart #drawing #drawing🎨 #pen #pencil #pendrawing #quitsmoking #quit #cigarette #cigar #smoking #smoker #zippo #juststop #juststopoil #patentdrawing #lovetodraw #lovetosmoke
#lovetosmoke #lovetodraw #patentdrawing #juststopoil #juststop #Zippo #smoker #smoking #cigar #cigarette #quit #quitsmoking #pendrawing #pencil #pen #drawing #MultimediaArt #artofmastodon #artoftheday #artonmastodon #artistsonmastodon #artist #artgallery #art #cardboard #paper #multimedia
Day 14 of #buildinpublic:
Move the song title to the top. (Previously in the middle and the album title was on top)
Code clean up.
Starts playback when the user starts work out.
Stops playback when the user finishes work out.
Next up:
record the workout.
Show workout summary at the end.
Set up WatchOS app that can start the workout from it.
Record the workout from km by km split.
#BuildInPublic #iosdev #indieapp #quitsmoking
Day 13 of #buildinpublic
Got the playback to work. I am going to clean up the code more and further improve UI.
#BuildInPublic #quitsmoking #indiedev #iosdev
"How Do Electronic Cigarettes Impact Your Vascular System?"
Discover the potential effects of electronic cigarettes on your vascular health. This article sheds light on the lesser-known impacts of vaping on your cardiovascular system.
Read more:
#vapingeffects #vascularhealth #quitsmoking
Day 6 of #buildinginpublic
* Added ShareSheet, which is opened by clicking on the Share button at the bottom. (I must note that I had to use UIKit solution for this. SwiftUI was not good at it)
* Added a scroll indicator. (You will see four dots) It works well.
* Did a lot of code review before moving onto next one. (Aiming to have less tech debt)
#buildinginpublic #iosdev #indieapp #indiedev #quitsmoking
Day 5 of building in public:
So I had this done in UIKit version of this app from the past. I recreated it using SwiftUI and it was built 10x faster. Anyways, I moving onto building more ambitious feature, the “Exercise” part of the tab. Can’t wait to show it to you all.
#buildinginpublic #iosdev #indiedev #quitsmoking
Day 4 of building in public. Implemented a carousel that snaps (In SwiftUI!) and redesigned the card as well. #buildinpublic #iosdev #indieapp #quitsmoking
#BuildInPublic #iosdev #indieapp #quitsmoking
Looks a lot better when it is full. #iosdev #quitsmoking #indiedev
#iosdev #quitsmoking #indiedev
Before and after of working on the “cards” So which one is better? And do you have any suggestions? #indieapp #quitsmoking #iosdev
#indieapp #quitsmoking #iosdev
So, I'm trying to quit smoking (last smoked Saturday July 22, 5am.) no vaping no gums, only liquorice stick.
But for some reason I can't sleep. I'm tired as hell, but I can't fall asleep. Everything else is manageable but does anyone have ANY advice (except getting tipsy to fall asleep)?
My earliest appointment I can have with my Medic is in 2 weeks, and they don't want to give advice over the phone.
Mittlerweile sind es 27 Tage nachdem ich aufgehört habe zu vapen.
Heute bin ich das erste Mal seit dem wieder joggen gewesen und konditionell hat es sich so fucking gelohnt. #QuitSmoking
I wrote an ebook about stopping smoking a while ago.. maybe someone you know might like to read it? It’s the least preachy give up smoking book ever and the method I used to stop was free and it worked for me. I’ve been smoke free for over 12 years now, so who knows maybe it’ll work for other people too??!!.. https://www.amazon.ca/Dont-Quit-Smoking-alternative-getting-ebook/dp/B01MT6KB6I #QuitSmoking
I'm borrowing from my #quitsmoking tool kit to extricate myself from BirdChan.
It's become overwhelmingly toxic and more dangerous now. Melon Husk is effectively attacking scientists for shits and giggles, among his other authoritarian pursuits since purchasing the platform.
Anyways, the plan is to do 30 push ups plus an optional Toot to replace my nasty habit. It worked well enough for quitting tobacco, it will work for quitting BirdChan.
enough is enough ☯️
Another reason to #quitsmoking
Because tobacco is so valuable, farmers would rather grow that instead of food crops. Quitting smoking and reducing its demand drives the supply chain towards more important crops. By quitting smoking, you help hasten this process. #QuitTobacco #QuitSmoking
Smoking can affect your oral health. Smoking can lead to a higher risk of developing mouth cancer (oral), gum problems, losing teeth, decay on the roots of teeth, and complications after tooth removal and gum and oral surgery.
Say "𝐍𝐎" to Tobacco! 🚭
#CoalcreekOMS #WorldNoTobaccoDay #WorldNoTobaccoDay2023 #NoTobacco #Tobacco #QuitSmoking #SayNoToTobacco
#coalcreekoms #worldnotobaccoday #worldnotobaccoday2023 #notobacco #tobacco #quitsmoking #saynototobacco
#WorldNoTobaccoDay2023 | If you are a smoker but have decided to quit, here’s something you should know.
As per American Cancer Society, here's what happens to your body when you quit #smoking 🚬
#worldnotobaccoday2023 #smoking #quitsmoking #press
https://homeopathicmedicine.one/natural-ways-to-quit-smoking/ Everyone knows smoking causes lung cancer in those that smoke as well as those in the range of second hand cigarette smoke. If you want to breathe clearer and protect your lungs there are alternatives to tobacco based cigarette smoking and the risks of serious breathing and lung conditions. You can break free from the urges to smoke using brainwave frequencies, and natural Homeopathic Medicine for Smoking Relief. #smoking #quitsmoking #stopsmoking #homeopathy #homeopathic
#smoking #quitsmoking #stopsmoking #Homeopathy #homeopathic