Why do flamingos stand on one leg and who invented chocolate? Try our kids’ quiz
#FamilyMEWS #QuizAndTriviaGamesMEWS #LifeAndStyleMEWS
Five multiple-choice questions – set by children – to test your knowledge, and a chance to submit your own junior brainteasers for future quizzesSubmit a questionMolly Oldfield hosts Everything Under the Sun,...
#familymews #quizandtriviagamesmews #lifeandstylemews
Who is the only player with 100 Premier League goals for two clubs? The Saturday quiz
#LifeAndStyleMEWS #QuizAndTriviaGamesMEWS
From the A303 to Florence Nightingale, test your knowledge with the Saturday quiz1 Which Eurostar destination is named from the French for “island”?2 What is covered by a cloth called the kiswa?3 Which musician ...
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