This meme is stupid. The person who made it is stupid. Everyone who holds these beliefs should get their hemorrhoids chewed on by a rabid dog. #LindaSpeaks #Chuds #9GagCringe #BlueLivesArentReal #QuoraQunts
#lindaspeaks #chuds #9gagcringe #bluelivesarentreal #quoraqunts
The mindly police are after me for SHARING MY JOURNEY THROUGH THE WORST SECTIONS OF QUORA!!!!!!! #QuoraQunts with Linda is ruined!!!!!!!!! Seriously!!!!!!!!! Ugh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“this is a medical disorder” - hank hill
#QuoraQunts #meme #photoshop #showthepeoplehowmuchmorerationaliam #byphotoshoppingateenagersbreaststobe5xlarger #andalsoturningherintoacaricature
#quoraqunts #meme #photoshop #showthepeoplehowmuchmorerationaliam #byphotoshoppingateenagersbreaststobe5xlarger #andalsoturningherintoacaricature