Just minding my own business, focused on traffic ahead... Maybe I even want to overtake. Then suddenly...
#mexico #motorcycle #traffic #chiapas #dangerous #highway #quota #autopista
#autopista #quota #highway #dangerous #chiapas #traffic #motorcycle #mexico
The Onion: Company Hits Diversity Quota By Claiming New AI Is A Woman https://www.theonion.com/company-hits-diversity-quota-by-claiming-new-ai-is-a-wo-1850621039 #computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #intersectionality #adamreynolds #cybernetics #diversity #griffin #quota
#computationalneuroscience #artificialintelligence #emergingtechnologies #intersectionality #adamreynolds #cybernetics #diversity #griffin #quota
#Medicine is fucked.
I have a #Prescription and my pharmacy cannot obtain it because of a #Quota system on some #Medications.
Because of the type of medication, my prescription can't be forwarded to another pharmacy in the chain that would have it in stock. They aren't even allowed to tell me which other location has it in stock - I, the #Patient have to call around, find a #Pharmacy and then call my #Doctor and ask them to send the prescription there.
#medicine #prescription #quota #medications #patient #pharmacy #doctor
RT @CultCreatorsEU@twitter.com
The Audiovisual Media Services Directive must benefit 🇪🇺 #CulturalCreators and support diversity.
That's why our #CCFG tabled these amendments on #quota, #discoverability & #financial obligations to the upcoming @EPCulture@twitter.com report on the implementation of the revised #AVMSD. 👇
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/CultCreatorsEU/status/1614926324249804801
#CulturalCreators #ccfg #quota #discoverability #financial #AVMSD
RT @CultCreatorsEU: The Audiovisual Media Services Directive must benefit 🇪🇺 #CulturalCreators and support diversity.
That's why our #CCFG tabled these amendments on #quota, #discoverability & #financial obligations to the upcoming @EPCulture report on the implementation of the revised #AVMSD. 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/AlexisMep/status/1615003082143813633
#CulturalCreators #CCFG #quota #discoverability #financial #AVMSD
RT @CultCreatorsEU: The Audiovisual Media Services Directive must benefit 🇪🇺 #CulturalCreators and support diversity.
That's why our #CCFG tabled these amendments on #quota, #discoverability & #financial obligations to the upcoming @EPCulture report on the implementation of the revised #AVMSD. 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/laurencefarreng/status/1614938847825039363
#CulturalCreators #CCFG #quota #discoverability #financial #AVMSD
Well done @CultCreatorsEU on these essential amendments. @ALCS_UK @B_Hayes_ALCS @Directors_UK @Paul0Evans1 @UKCCD1
RT @CultCreatorsEU: The Audiovisual Media Services Directive must benefit 🇪🇺 #CulturalCreators and support diversity.
That's why our #CCFG tabled these amendments on #quota, #discoverability & #financial obligations to the upcoming @EPCulture report on the implementation of the revised #AVMSD. 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/CaroleTongue/status/1614933504537595905
#CulturalCreators #CCFG #quota #discoverability #financial #AVMSD
RT @CultCreatorsEU: The Audiovisual Media Services Directive must benefit 🇪🇺 #CulturalCreators and support diversity.
That's why our #CCFG tabled these amendments on #quota, #discoverability & #financial obligations to the upcoming @EPCulture report on the implementation of the revised #AVMSD. 👇
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/HelgaTruepel/status/1614929587506397185
#CulturalCreators #CCFG #quota #discoverability #financial #AVMSD
Binary #gender #quotas are a common way of enforcing equal representation.
This might look like:
🔹Women and men are 50/50, or
🔹at least 50% should be women, or
🔹at least 40% should be women and 40% men.
But binary quotas are exclusionary of trans or non-binary people. Plus, closeted #trans people are forced to out themselves or be misgendered.
So here's a way to fix such a #quota system so minimal that it is hard for those opposed to change to find any good arguments against it.
Laid off and tryna find a job But I spend my time making stuff like this instead. #memes #toilethumor #follow #quota
#memes #toilethumor #follow #quota
Que va changer la taxe carbone aux frontières adoptée par l’Union européenne ? - https://www.radiofrance.fr/franceculture/podcasts/la-question-du-jour/que-va-changer-la-taxe-carbone-aux-frontieres-adoptee-par-l-union-europeenne-3804905
> Mardi dernier, le Parlement européen et les Etats membres de l'Union Européenne ont adopté la taxe carbone aux frontières. Ce dispositif, unique au monde, est l’une des mesures-phares pour verdir l’économie européenne en taxant les importations industrielles étrangères polluantes.
From les « Gars ont géré comme des merdes depuis 30ans » to « c’est #LaFauteAuxFemmes, faut un #quota en Médecine »
Dans le groupe whatsapp de @MedPourDemain , t’as un bon gros ramassis de #connards et de #conasses (oui car certaines sont d’accord 🙄)
[Je sais j’aurais dû quitter ce groupe mais je fais pas de sport, c’est un autre moyen d’augmenter ma FC.]
#lafauteauxfemmes #quota #connards #conasses
சூப்பர் ஸ்பெஷாலிட்டி மருத்துவ படிப்பில் இந்த ஆண்டும் அரசு டாக்டர்களுக்கு 50% இடஒதுக்கீடு! உச்ச நீதிமன்றம் பச்சைக்கொடி…
https://patrikai.com/neet-ss-supreme-court-allows-tamil-nadu-govt-to-implement-50-in-service-quota-in-super-speciality-seats-for-current-academic-year-https-www-livelaw-in-top-stories-supreme-court-tamil-nadu-super-s/ via @patrikaidotcom@twitter.com
#Medical #education #Superspeciality #government #DOCTORS #Quota #SupremeCourt #SupremeCourtOfIndia
#supremecourtofindia #supremecourt #quota #doctors #government #superspeciality #education #medical
“The bird that would soar above the plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
#DouglasAdams #Quota #Observation #Tradition #Prejudice #Birds #Wings #Life #hitchhikersguide
#douglasadams #quota #observation #tradition #prejudice #birds #wings #life #hitchhikersguide
“The bird that would soar above the plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings.”
― Douglas Adams, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
#DouglasAdams #Quota #Observation #Tradition #Prejudice #Birds #Wings #Life
#douglasadams #quota #observation #tradition #prejudice #birds #wings #life
🇬🇧|From 2026, a #quota for more #women at the top of listed companies will apply in the #EU. The @Europarl_DE approves the decision of the @EU_Commission. What qualified woman actually wants to be a 'quota woman'? Ridiculous! #ID https://www.sueddeutsche.de/wirtschaft/arbeit-eu-frauenquote-fuer-aufsichtsraete-endgueltig-beschlossen-dpa.urn-newsml-dpa-com-20090101-221122-99-618676
🐦🔗: https://nitter.eu/AndersonAfDMdEP/status/1595749967989194752
@reillyeon @tomayac
Are you referring to this issue: https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=1240056 resp. this design document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1c7skisDoRLfmoOE6hgv6crz8XO5mGTnA2yBEs6O22mQ ?
#webdev #chromium #quota #opfs