Is there a way to leave a conversation? I'm in a middle of a fire fight about #quote_post stuff ??!!!
#quote_post #askfedi #askmastodon
Talk about a #hellthread, lolz...
Anyway, the #Quote_Post feature isn't anything that you can do something about:
1.) People on all of the other platforms will still have it and there's nothing that a mastodon user account can do to stop it - they will only be able to observe it occurring despite what they think about it.
Those in favor of you deploying the feature will migrate their accounts and followers to those other platforms if you don't roll it out.
Those against the feature will find their mastodon friends moving on to other Fediverse servers that are not mastodon, and still only be able to merely complain about it happening across the entire #Fediverse.
2.) Anyone, even on a mastodon server, can already take advantage of simply pasting the link of someone else's post into their own fresh post - no opting out, no configuring that only their friends can quote post them. No control whatsoever.
You have a choice, albeit, not an enviable one. You can either implement the feature, or watch as your mastodon platform continues to hemorrhage users to the other more capable, and feature complete Fediverse server platforms.
Most other platforms aren't resource hogs either, and require low minimum hardware requirements for #home and #smallweb deployments, even performing exceedingly well on #Raspberry_Pi computers on their home LANs.
To remain relevant over the next year and s half, with all of the phenomenal development elsewhere in the Fediverse with federating groups and chat and marketplaces, etc., It's probably not a good idea to continue to allow mastodon to atrophe from having fallen so far behind already and suffering from bit rot.
Even almost as soon as they arrive, people are leaving in mass numbers for the other Fediverse platforms as soon as they discover that mastodon is not the Fediverse, but rather, just one amongst many others that are far more capable and feature complete platforms for engaging with their friends and loved ones across the entire Fediverse.
I hope that helps!
#tallship #mastodon #FOSS #ActivityPub
#hellthread #quote_post #Fediverse #home #SmallWeb #raspberry_pi #tallship #mastodon #foss #activitypub