So, I finally poked around Post News. And you know what amused me instantly?
The first 9 posts (NINE in a row) were all quoted posts :)
I rest my case. They are simply an obvious sharing tool and social media will never feel right without them. The sooner they are implemented, the better, imo.
This will grate on some old-school Mastians, but the Fediverse (mostly Mastodon) is still lacking a certain sharing energy. And the blame for that is the decision to not support quoted posts. It was made years ago, based on what was then mostly an anything goes version of Twitter. Small improvements in moderation changed much of that. And moderation is supposed to be the stock-in-trade here.
Since all the discussion on #Mastodon currently is about #QuotedPostsOnMastodon #QuoteRT #QuotedRetoots #QuotedTroets #Drükos #QuotedPosts and #whitefragility I thought I'd #quotepost a toot about #civility that itself is a perfect example of perfect #civility and can guide us all.
#mastodon #quotedpostsonmastodon #quotert #quotedretoots #quotedtroets #drukos #quotedposts #whitefragility #quotepost #civility
Let's get to the point: Quoted Retoots are "talking in public behind someone else's back."
Toxic behavior in personal relationships and communities.
Required for journalism and other seldom use cases (like for this toot here 😉).
#quotes #Qt #quotedpostsonmastodon
This might be my first quote post here. I hate single quotation marks in code, and guillements are a abomination from hell, only allowed in texts which also caligraphic tribals as chapter separators
While some of you are still discussing whether #QuotedPostsOnMastodon should be a thing, others are already doing it. #QuoteRT #QuoteToot
#quotedpostsonmastodon #quotert #quotetoot
Quick reminder: on #Twitter #QuoteTweets preceded the „Quote Tweet“ button. People want to talk about other people‘s public statements and they will find a way to do it, #QuoteToot function or not. #QuotedPosts #QuotedPostsOnMastodon
#twitter #quotetweets #quotetoot #quotedposts #quotedpostsonmastodon
Why can't the moon shine by himself?
Because he lost his precious little star.
Like a spell becoming undone
She disappeared without good bye.
On that day, something broke inside the moon.
Something that can never be healed.
For days he couldn't speak
He stood frozen, unable to cry.
The moon's shine was lost that day.
And it never came back.
#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteToots #quotesoftheday #quoteposts #quotetoot #strangertomyheart
#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteToots #quotesoftheday #quoteposts #quotetoot #strangertomyheart
The sea is raging, storm is coming
Fishes are swimming in fear
But I am nevertheless swimming in search of the
Mermaid of my dreams
She's neither a godess nor a saint
But she's the solely one who can put a smile on my face
And now I am swimming in search of the
Mermaid of my dreams
#quotes #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteBoost #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteToots #quotetoot #strangertomyheart
#quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteBoost #QuoteToots #quotetoot #strangertomyheart
I used to hate rainy days
I hated those cold nights
But now I wait for the rain
Like a thirsty hornbill
So that we could play in the rain
Like little kids
And warm each other
By cuddling together
My love, because of you
I am loving rainy days
#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteBoost #QuoteToots #strangertomyheart
#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteBoost #QuoteToots #strangertomyheart
LOL you'll get no argument for me, friend. My first tag here was: #QuotedPostsOnMastodon.
Feel free to embellish on the need :)
Let there be madness
Let there be chaos
In this world stuffed with sadness
Let me be a stranger
#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteBoost #QuoteToots #strangertomyheart
#quote #quotes #quoteoftheday #quotedpostsonmastodon #QuoteBoost #QuoteToots #strangertomyheart
Posts like this look weird without the quoted--post for context. I just find it absurd to deny us such a useful tool because a few people somehow "abused" it back around 2015 on a service most fedis didn't use anyway.
Someone created the "toxic" narrative, others who hated Twitter saw it as a great thing to repeat, and so it went. I am confident this prohibition on an important sharing tool will end sooner than later.
Yep, I harped on threads in one of my first carps about this.
Filing your post in ⏵
Thoughts by ex-twitter designer @jon on #QuotedPostsOnMastodon , algorithm feeds, etc. -
@Gargron please do NOT reconsider this stance from four years ago just because of the Twitter implosion.
This subtle yet hugely consequential difference is one of the lessons that should be learned from Big Socials' destructive, vacuous decisions.
If people want to gossip, they can screenshot, etc. - make them do the work, a second to reconsider. Please don't let that behavior infest the entire pool.
#twittermigration #twitterexodus #twitterexit #fediverse #quotetweet #quotedpostsonmastodon
#quotedpostsonmastodon #quotetweet #fediverse #twitterexit #twitterexodus #twittermigration
@mmasnick @tilehopper @fishidwardrobe @mattrodier
And those who don't want to see them can simply disable the feature by preference and QPs would collapse to a link.
And it's inevitable. Those who dislike it now will use it every day soon, as more instances implement, just as holdouts did on Twitter when the feature was about 30 days old.
For good reason: it's one of the best ways to amplify content or ideas since Gutenberg's silly little invention a while back.
I see the argument for #QuotedPostsOnMastodon but I genuinely think that that little bit of friction is useful in ratcheting down tensions? Why not boost a post to your timeline, followed immediately by boosting your reply to it - like this?
The more we have to rely on users not to abuse things in ways we KNOW THEY DO, the more workload is on moderators/admins - who largely aren't being paid here - to rein in the abuses that happen.
A good example for how useful #QuotedPostsOnMastodon could be:
Plus, would have been handy for this post too! #recursion
#quotedpostsonmastodon #recursion
@jeffjarvis @taylorlorenz @eugen Imo, when a URL isn't previewed in some manner, it's a guarantee to cut sharing and engagement by orders of magnitude. The user has no context for the reference, so lots of words must be squandered enticing users to even know what we're talking about. For many of us that feels like a giant step backwards in social knowledge sharing. In my view…