You're #JustSaying that because #IT's #True... | #TrueTrueTuesday
And, #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool... #AlsoTrue...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | ππ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπ
#justsaying #it #true #truetruetuesday #quotetoots #stillquitecool #alsotrue
@selzero (
You know what is awesome about #Mastodon, #MisterDen?
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺβππ¦πβπͺ
#mastodon #misterden #quotetoots
Also... #DontForget: #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήβπ»βπ¦Ήπ
#dontforget #quotetoots #stillquitecool
#IT is #Recommended that the #ThirdLayer of #NiceCheese is #Grilled like a #CheeseToastie / #GrilledCheese...
#IT's like a #Pizza; but also, #NotLikeAPizza
#AllCheeseToastiesMatter | #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool
#YoureWelcome | #DontMentionIT
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯ͺπ¦Ήπ§π»π§π¦Ήπ₯ͺ
#parttwo #two #it #recommended #thirdlayer #nicecheese #grilled #cheesetoastie #grilledcheese #pizza #notlikeapizza #allcheesetoastiesmatter #quotetoots #stillquitecool #yourewelcome #dontmentionit
We're #AlreadyDoingIT, #Already #MisterDen
Also... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#erm #alreadydoingit #already #misterden #quotetoots #stillquitecool
#JoyOfJoys | #TheJoyOfTypos and #StoopidFingers...
#DontForget, though... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...
#DontPanic... #IT'll be #LickyLickyLollyTime... #Soon...
π»βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ» | π¦Ήπ¨π§π¦π§π¨π¦Ή
#joyofjoys #thejoyoftypos #stoopidfingers #dontforget #quotetoots #stillquitecool #dontpanic #it #lickylickylollytime #soon
At the #Risk of #Heresy / #Blasphemy... #Again...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π₯―π₯π₯π¦π₯π₯π₯―
#meanwhile #risk #heresy #blasphemy #again #quotetoots #stillquitecool
#GoodMorning, #MisterDen and #HappyHappy #HappyBaconBagelDay...!
Also... #FFS...! That #GhastlyDarrenGrimes...
#TheOnlyGayInTheVillage at the #GiantBigotNetwork...
#LookLook... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...!
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πππ¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήππ
#goodmorning #misterden #happyhappy #happybaconbagelday #ffs #ghastlydarrengrimes #theonlygayinthevillage #giantbigotnetwork #looklook #quotetoots #stillquitecool
#So... Here's another #AwkwardQuestion...
#Since #RishiSunak #Borrowed US$76Bn from #TheMagickMoneyTree during his #Tenure as #Chancellor of #TheFormerUnitedKingdom only for his "Colleagues" to #Spank #SoMuch of #IT on #Fraud...
#AtWhatPoint will he #Admit his #Failures and those of said "Colleagues" to #Remedy his #Malfeasance...?
Also, #QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πππͺπ¦πͺππ
#so #awkwardquestion #since #rishisunak #borrowed #themagickmoneytree #tenure #chancellor #theformerunitedkingdom #spank #somuch #it #fraud #atwhatpoint #admit #failures #remedy #malfeasance #quotetoots #stillquitecool
As we're discussing #LotRO and #Fraud; I also found this: - it's #Illuminating
#LotRO - The #OfficialESport of #AbsolutelyNowhere
I'll #AlsoAlsoAdd; #QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#meanwhile #lotro #fraud #illuminating #officialesport #absolutelynowhere #alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool
#JustInCase you #Might have #Forgotten:
#QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήβπ»βπ¦Ήπ
#justincase #might #forgotten #quotetoots #stillquitecool
And, #ICan #AlsoAlsoAdd:
#QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήβπ¦βπ¦Ήπ
#ican #alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool #truefact #yourewelcome
And, #ICan #AlsoAlsoAdd:
#QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π π¦Ήβπ»βπ¦Ήπ
#ican #alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool #truefact
#ComingUp on #ThisArmageddonBritain...
#QuoteToots...! #StillQuiteCool...
#IF you don't #BehaveYourselves, I'll #PortIT into the #MastodonSpyBalloon...
#FuckIT... I #Might #DoIT #Anyway... | #FuckITFridays...!
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | ππ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ π
#meanwhile #comingup #thisarmageddonbritain #quotetoots #stillquitecool #if #behaveyourselves #portit #mastodonspyballoon #fuckit #might #doit #anyway #fuckitfridays
I'll #AlsoAlsoAdd...
#QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#verymuchdonethat #alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool
I'll #AlsoAlsoAdd...
#QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
"Parler does still seem to attract a #VerySpecial kind of #Lunatic, aye #MisterDen..." | #LookNoQuestionMark
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πππ¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήππ
#alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool #veryspecial #lunatic #misterden #looknoquestionmark
#QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#ican #alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool
#YouKnow what #YouCouldDo, #MisterDen...?
#Port your #Epic #StarTrek: #TOS #Thread over from #SpaceKarenX's US$44bn #VanityProject...
And, #DontForget... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | π΄ββ οΈπ¦Ήπͺπ¦πͺπ¦Ήπ΄ββ οΈ
#youknow #youcoulddo #misterden #port #epic #startrek #tos #thread #spacekarenx #vanityproject #dontforget #quotetoots #stillquitecool
In the #Spirit of #ContinuousImprovement; I'd like to #Propose the #Formation of the #LGBTQUIAX+RS #Community...
#QUeer <<#DeepBreath>>;
#Asexual #Allies;
#OtherNonHeterosexualPeople; and/or,
#VroomVRoom | The #EternallyEvolving #BadScrabbleHand
I'll #AlsoAlsoAdd... #QuoteToots; #StillQuiteCool...
π§βοΈπ€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | πͺπ¦Ήππ¦ππ¦Ήπͺ
#spirit #continuousimprovement #propose #formation #lgbtquiax #community #lesbian #gay #bisexual #transgender #queer #deepbreath #intersex #asexual #allies #xmen #othernonheterosexualpeople #rallysport #vroomvroom #eternallyevolving #badscrabblehand #blackandwhiteandredallover #alsoalsoadd #quotetoots #stillquitecool
And, #DontForget: #QuoteToots... #StillQuiteCool
π§βοΈ π€πΊπ€βοΈπ§ | βπ π¦Ήπ¦π¦Ήπ β
#dontforget #quotetoots #stillquitecool