So the issue I'm having with the latest #Qutebrowser not playing GIFs is to do with the gst plugins good, bad, ugly and so on only being for the QT5 backend and I'm running with the latest QT6.
If i force Qutebrowser to start using the QT5 backend everything works fine.
PS: I'm using #VoidLinux
qutebrowser --qt-wrapper PyQt5
I'm a happy camper as have got a work around for my issue running #Qutebrowser under #Qtile #Wayland which wouldn't allow me to upload images to Fosstodon if the window was tiled. Although this work around works the issue is still being kept open for now by the devs until they find out why.
For those it affects just pop this into your floating layout config:
Match(func=lambda c: c.is_transient_for()), # automatically float a window if it has a parent
@JustineSmithies It seems like maybe there's not a whole lot of testing being done with #qutebrowser.
Here's one for all you #Qutebrowser users.
Why won't gifs play in my qutebrowser but they do in firefox ?
All i get is a blurred image even if i click on it ?
There have been some reports of problems uploading images to #Fosstodon when using #Qutebrowser. Is anybody else experiencing this error?
@JustineSmithies I did a quick test of an image upload in #Qutebrowser here on Fosstodon, and it didn't have any issues that I could see. Is it giving an error message of some kind?
Actually loving #Qutebrowser v3.0.0 !
Thank you @the_compiler and the many others that have contributed to this new release. 😍
#Browser #Vim #QT6
#qutebrowser #browser #vim #qt6
Loking forward to this #Qutebrowser update on #VoidLinux 👌
Woke up today and it seems quite dark still. Looked out of the window and it's blowing a gale and absolutely chucking it down with rain !
So I guess that I won't be cutting the grass today then.
In that case today is going to be all about #python aka getting #qtile - #Wayland running on my dual screen setup and looking to see if I can get the latest #Qutebrowser built and tested on #VoidLinux
#python #qtile #wayland #qutebrowser #voidlinux
qutebrowser v3.0.0 is finally out!
Later today a major new release of my favorite web browser, #qutebrowser will be released:
Although it has the guts of chromium codebase, the interface is decidedly different. It's keyboard-driven, like the #vim text editor. It allows letting a tiling window manager handle the tabs, turning every tab into a first-class desktop window that you can switch to select like any other application window. Fast and minimal! Look for 3.0 soon! Available on Mac, Windows & Linux
Something I just learned how to do in #qutebrowser: have JS disabled globally but enabled for specific sites.
- `:set content.javascript.enabled false` to disable JS globally
- The keybinding tSh toggles whether JS is enabled for the current host; tSH includes all subdomains; tSu only for the current URL
So handy!
#Gnome default software is becoming so good: particularly, #Epiphany is becoming better every year, I wish it had #Firefox addons or at least containers and userscripts like #qutebrowser
#gnome #epiphany #firefox #qutebrowser
You think I'm done yet?
#Google #Ultron (this one is a joke)
AANNNNND that's all of the chromium based shit I know of.
thanks 4 reading g through this stupid idea
#salamweb #carbonyl #androidwebview #citiro #ultron #Google #discord #browsh #blink #dooble #falkon #element #qt6webview #qt5webview #SRWAREIRON #qutebrowser #torchbrowser #scratch3offlineeditor #turbowarpofflineditor #sleipnir #360securebrowser #rockmelt #redcore
Remember I am a newbie : I wanted to open a link from #Emacs into #Qutebrowser
I am sure there's already a way, but I didn't find it
So it was the opportunity to make my first #elisp code (obviously some bits are copied from internet).
I begin to realize what "empowerment" means when you become a #systemcrafters
Sure not academic but it works !
Attachments: None
#emacs #qutebrowser #elisp #systemcrafters
@ark_r A co sie stało ze skrótami z alt? Nie sa już obsługiwane czy nie zaimplementowano?
Btw, może przypasił by ci #QuteBrowser?
Jest całkowicie keyboard driven.
Un topo sur Qutebrowser, un navigateur Vim-like que j'ai longtemps utilisé (et adoré), mais pour je ne sais plus quelle raison je suis revenu à Firefox…
Peut-être vais-je y rejeter un œil un de ces jours.
QuteBrowser - Un navigateur basé sur Vim | TheBidouilleur
#shaarli2mastodon #vim #web #qutebrowser