#Quwutsun #Indigenous #artist Charlene Johnny will lead work, beginning this week, on the largest piece of #PublicArt in the City of Duncan. Charlene’s #mural at 221 Jubilee Street will stand 44' tall & will represent the theme of thu-itsthuw tun shqwaluwun (be truthful with your feelings). Various #community partners, led by Quw’utsun Elders & Youth, joined together as the Nanum Iyus Tth'ele (Meeting of Joyful Hearts) #collective to support this project.
#quwutsun #indigenous #artist #publicart #mural #community #collective #Cowichan #pnw
#Quwutsun #Elders will lead #Reconciliation : Journey of our Generation, a day-long #workshop offered since 2006, on #LocalHistory & the impacts of #colonization . It will take place at the Quw'utsun' Cultural & Conference Centre.
Register :
#FirstNations #IndigenousLed #NativeLed #decolonizeYourMind #DecolonialEducation #VancouverIsland #vanisle #Cowichan #DuncanBC #PNW #PacificNorthwest #CoastSalish #Cultural #BritishColumbia #Canada #educational #EldersWisdom
#quwutsun #elders #reconciliation #workshop #localhistory #colonization #firstnations #indigenousled #nativeled #decolonizeyourmind #decolonialeducation #vancouverisland #vanisle #Cowichan #duncanbc #pnw #pacificnorthwest #coastsalish #cultural #britishcolumbia #canada #educational #elderswisdom
Join the #LilaCommunityChoir & special guests for #SingForXpey (Cedar), a mini #MusicFestival at the HUB at #Cowichan Station. The event is a fundraiser for #Quwutsun #CulturalConnections Society's #Xpey Project, which seeks to #plant & #restore #cedar #trees by the #Xwulqwselu #Stalo ( #Koksilah River )
#lilacommunitychoir #singforxpey #musicfestival #Cowichan #quwutsun #culturalconnections #xpey #plant #restore #cedar #trees #xwulqwselu #stalo #Koksilah