An important update from the office hour yesterday: our translation team is ready!
If you're joining us at #QW2023 this year, we will have translation ready for you in English and Spanish. Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
Tenemos una noticia muy importante de la hora de oficina de ayer: ¡nuestro equipo de traducción está preparado!
Si vas a participar en #QW2023 tendremos la capacidad de traducir entre inglés y español para ustedes. ¡Esperamos que nos acompañe pronto!
With around #50hours left for our #2 #CallForContributions to #QW2023
we encourage you to make good use of this weekend and get in touch with us Now especially if you think that deadlines are harsh realities, but you want to contribute something urgent(ly) <3
#50hours #callforcontributions #qw2023