Just tossing this out there-
I really like playing Qwirkle. Both the physical board game with the wooden tiles in real life, and also I love the iOS app on my phone, playing with others through Game Center. I wish they would update the app though!
Anyone else play Qwirkle on their phone with others?
Good family game from #Minnesota (the manufacturer, MindWare, is here): #Qwirkle
Like dominoes, distinctly match 6 colors or 6 shapes, so no runs longer than 6. Good for kiddos since easy to match.
#minnesota #qwirkle #mnastodon
@zmunson @GameMinimalist Excluding systems like #RainbowDeck, then:
#Qwirkle #accessible
#Qauntum #gamedesign
#TerraMystica heavy #openinformation game.
#TwilightStruggle most #thematic
#CosmicEncounters #asymetrical player powers
#NorthwestPassage #theme and best combined mechanisms result.
#Battlines accessible, themed game
#DeathAngel #solo #coop
#RedCathedral #workerplacement with a #rondel
If I include the Rainbow Deck then I’d exclude Wordle.
#rainbowdeck #bigbox #qwirkle #accessible #qauntum #gamedesign #terramystica #openinformation #twilightstruggle #thematic #cosmicencounters #asymetrical #northwestpassage #theme #smallbox #battlines #deathangel #solo #coop #redcathedral #workerplacement #rondel
Kind of like scrabble but with colours & shapes. Fun for adults but easy for kids to learn too. Good, level playing field without hugely complex strategy options, so my 10 year old daughter regularly beats me which is good for family harmony.
Kind of like scrabble but with colours & shapes. Fun for adults but easy for kids to learn too. Good, level playing field without hugely complex strategy options, so my 10 year old daughter regularly beats me which is good for family harmony.
J'ai pu rechigner, en début de semaine, de devoir faire cours de nouveau ce matin suite au report du #Brevet. Mais avec trois élèves de 5e seulement, nous avons joué à #Qwirkle pendant deux heures, avant que ne débarque mon formidable T. (passé de 4e en 3e durant l'année), qui m'a mis trois roustes à #Mémoire44, et sans aucune vergogne.
Le tout dans ma salle qui demeurait fraîche.
Je ne sais pas ce que demande le peuple, franchement.
#brevet #qwirkle #mémoire44 #j2s #mesélèves