Richard · @rjt
247 followers · 124 posts · Server

Various countries refusing to act on reminds me of the Responsibility to Protect conflict resolution proposal that was advocated for and presented before the United Nations some years ago. I can't recall if the UN adopted R2P or not, but even if they did it is not something the UN would easily act on. If various nation states would adopt R2P there would be a strong argument to stop the United States, China, and other countries from exploitation of resources and furthering the dangers of the . At least, I can see the rationale where that position could be taken and acted upon.

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #r2p #un

Last updated 1 year ago

Jos Schuurmans (EN) · @josschuurmans
62 followers · 358 posts · Server

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is proof the EU needs to get better at stopping mass atrocities | @TheConversationUK

"(...) Many (...) minimised long-standing Russian rhetoric that denied Ukrainian statehood and national identity. If policymakers had used a “mass atrocity lens”, then they would have seen that a war of aggression was not only plausible but was likely to be accompanied by mass atrocities. (...)"

#ukraine #r2p #responsibilitytoprotect #eu #europe

Last updated 1 year ago

Sergey Vasiliev · @Sevslv
48 followers · 142 posts · Server


This should be a strong read -- it's not the main issue but on a theoretical note, I hope, as a leading scholar, looks at how Putin adopted/adapted Western language on atrocities and protection to justify his actions in .


#ukraine #r2p

Last updated 2 years ago

Sassan Gholiagha · @SassanGholiagha
50 followers · 3 posts · Server

Ok, time for an . I am a focusing on and InternationalLaw, working on and methods, and a few other things. Right now, I am at the European New School of Digital Studies, where I work on and the use of in the context of in IR Theory and political debates. You can find more about me here:

#introduction #politicalscientist #ir #norms #drones #r2p #icc #security #internationalorganisations #constructivism #interpretivist #ai #MachineLearning #argumentanalysis

Last updated 2 years ago

Stephanie Lamy · @stephlamy
749 followers · 621 posts · Server

4. Betcy Jose & Christoph H. Stefes, Russia as a Norm Entrepreneur: Crimea and Humanitarian Intervention, Problems of Post-Communism

This is a particularly interesting one (to me) as it is part of the literature that shows how distorts and operationalizes

@politicalscience @potemkinvillage

#r2p #Russia

Last updated 2 years ago

Corrie Hulse · @corrie_hulse
40 followers · 46 posts · Server

Okay, looks like it's customary to do an post!

I am an comms professional by day that works with an org focused on and early childhood education programs.

Outside of work, I'm an admitted coffee snob, I'm attempting to write my first novel, and I'm a huge and fan. (I have split allegiances between the and )

#introduction #un #r2p #refugees #humanrights #amwriting #amediting #GothamFC #thorns #USWNT #nwsl #ya #soccer #refugeeled #ngo

Last updated 2 years ago

Corrie Hulse · @corrie_hulse
40 followers · 46 posts · Server

Hi everyone! I'm part of the great . I'm interested in all things , , , , , and more! I'll take any tips or advice on who to follow or where to look to get the most out of this app. Thanks!!

#amediting #amwriting #books #r2p #ngo #humanrights #twittermigration

Last updated 2 years ago



Last updated 3 years ago

Erinnert sich noch jemand daran, dass vor ein paar Jahren unter dem Titel "Responsability to protect" () ein neuer Grundsatz in das hineininterpretiert werden sollte? Die Notwendigkeit wurde damals begründet mit Verweis auf z.B. , etc.
Nun zeigt sich, dass mit solchen Berufungstiteln der Willkür Tür und Tor geöffnet wird. Für Leute wie ist es unter Berufung auf ein leichtes, der angeblich bedrohten Bevölkerung der "zu Hilfe zu eilen".

#r2p #Völkerrecht #Kosovo #libyen #putin #Ukraine

Last updated 3 years ago

UN Warns Myanmar Junta, Protestors Demand R2P (Right To Protect).

#Mar4Coup #March4Coup #OpCCP #r2p #WhatshappeninginMyanmar

Last updated 4 years ago

Wikileaks [bot] · @wikileaks
1889 followers · 10382 posts · Server

Hillary Emails: & want 's oil in exchange for war

#cameron #sarkozy #libya #r2p

Last updated 7 years ago