Are you using Wi-Fi routers on set? What features and form factor do you look for in a router?
We’re currently refreshing our #MiniProductionRouter lineup, and we would love your feedback. Please boost!
#cinematography #firstAC #setLife #icg600 #fediBoost #cameraDept #r3d #arri
#miniproductionrouter #cinematography #firstac #setlife #icg600 #fediboost #cameradept #r3d #arri
Did #Red change their #9mm spacing to #10mm, and I just didn’t notice? #r3d #cinematography #focuspuller #camop
#red #9mm #10mm #r3d #cinematography #focuspuller #camop
recovered for a client a formatted #RED mag with #Bitmart Restorer which could find back the #R3D files. #REDundead did not work. Happy customer !
Ricardo Flores Magón y otros creadores mexicanos ingresan al dominio público en 2023 #ricardofloresmagon #mexico #dominiopublico #R3D
#r3d #dominiopublico #mexico #ricardofloresmagon
Activista de Bahréin espiado con Pegasus demanda a NSO Group y a su gobierno