Good Morning, all
The Nastiz' Foreign Secretary James Cleverly channeling the latest government ad campaign on #R4Today: 'Most prisoners in the Untied Kingdom will not escape today...'
#generalelectionnow #danielkhalife #wandsworthprisonbreak #r4today
Grant Shapps on #LBC: A Challenger 2 Main Battle Tank was disabled by a landmine in Ukraine but "the good news is that all six crew-members are safe..."
If Dominic Green hadn't been so busy doing five Cabinet jobs in the last year he might have learnt that the Challenger 2 MBT carries a crew of four (driver, commander, gunner, loader).
What does Sebastian Fox think the extra two crew do? Supernumerary who tends the horses? Man who walks in front of the tank waving a red flag?
#R4Today reports a History Teacher has estimated that at Riski Sunak's much vaunted "We're building 50 schools a year" boast, those of England's 22,000 schools founded five years before the Spanish Armada sailed (1583 CE) would only now be coming up for replacement...
"Effing good job," Rishi Sunak.
Refreshing to find a Chicken Little who doesn't believe the sky is falling.
And where's the Slithy Gove? The Blob would like to speak to him.
#generalelectionnow #concreteschools #concretegate #r4today
Good Morning, all
So the Government wants us all to congratulate us (in Gillian Keegan's words) for "an effing good job" in that it has rebuilt 500 schools but to blame local authorities, academy trusts and everyone else except the Department of Educashun for deliberately deciding not to proceed with the plans to rebuild others, including those affected by #RAAC.
Omnishambles, not...
#R4Today #LBC #ConcreteGate
#ConcreteSchools #GeneralElectionNow!
#generalelectionnow #concreteschools #concretegate #LBC #r4today #raac
Extraordinary interview @BBCNews #r4today with former civil service lead for education.
Government knew about #RAAC, numbers, risks. But free schools were the top policy objective, then Sunak halved the schools capital budget.
Meanwhile unspeakable #UKLabour spokesperson refused to commit to putting it right. No doubt NATO's proxy war takes precedent.
Good Morning, all
At 07.08 #R4Today reported that Indians who mimic Langer monkeys will be employed to protect the G20 conference from disruption by smaller monkeys.
Nick Robinson expressed the opinion he wasn't sure he could differentiate between monkeys and the leaders of the G20.
Which G20 Leaders, Mr Robinson? Would that include Rishi Sunak? If not, why not? Cos he's British? Or cos he's Tory? Or cos he's British Asian and that would be racist? What about the other G20 leaders, Nick?
"2000 migrants made the 'small boat' crossing of the English Channel this week" reports the #BBC.
Don't you mean "people", #BBCnews?
You cannot argue that "migrants" is more precise, #R4Today, as even our own dear Home Office admits that by the outcome of its own procedures the majority are refugees and asylum seekers.
To call them "people" humanizes them and refuses to play to the political agenda of the #Nastiz who seek to dehumanise a group of 'others' in order to hold onto power.
#nastiz #r4today #bbcnews #bbc
Good Morning, all
#R4Today presenter Nick Robinson fobbed off by Conservative MP Tim Loughton over concerns senior executives are fobbing off concerns about alleged thefts from the British Museum...
"Move along, nothing to see here" doubly apposite, one feels.
"This way to the Egress" (as Barnum would say).
Good Morning, all
No need to read the latest OpEd piece by Dominic Lawson in the Daily Mail.
That's not (just) because it's the usual rabid right-whinge rant from Mr Lawson, a regular columnist for the Daily Heil. It's because it was summarised at such length by Justin Bell on #R4Today it hardly counts as a precis.
The #BBC will no doubt be keen to give #Greenpeace (the subject of Dom's Diatribe) a right of reply of equal length and prominence.
“The problem is the system” says David Davies MP, former Brexit Minister and member of the Conservative Party that has been in charge of the system since 2010. #r4Today
Good Morning, all
#R4Today questioned one of the Brothers of the Brotherhood of Italy about their election-winning promise of a 'Naval Blockade' to deter the boats crossing the Med. His response: "It was never meant to be a 'naval blockade' - we meant 'a negotiated agreement on borders.'"
Why not call it 'a negotiated agreement on borders' not a 'naval blockade', then?
RT BBC Radio 4 Today
Royal Museums Greenwich’s only known portrait of a female second world war naval officer is to go on display but no one knows who she is.
The museum are appealing for any leads on the identity of the woman, painted by the artist Joseph McCullough in 1945.
Home Office minister Sarah Dines, having a car crash interview on with Mishal Hussain on #r4today
UK Water companies, dumping sewage in rivers and on beaches: Wasn't us guv.
Morning @EnverSol
And thank you
Good Morning, all
Imagine you've been wrongly convicted and have spent 17 years in gaol.
Imagine if a decade was due to refusing to admit guilt (for a crime you hadn't committed).
Imagine your relief to have your conviction quashed and to be promised compensation.
Imagine if HMG took a cut from your compo 'for room and board.'
Imagine how proud you'd be to be British...
Imagine if you discover only innocent peeps are charged 'room and board'; guilty peeps get it free!
It’s time to cut the blue, red and yellow crap. #VoteGreen
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Carla Denyer: Woke up to @BBCRadio4 #r4today discussing the risk that the Tories abandon their already weak climate policies, giving in to anti Net Zero culture war types. Signs that parts of Labour are pulling the same way.
Never has @TheGreenParty been so necessary
🎙NEW EPISODE (Tuesday) - THE POLITICRAT daily #podcast Season 4, Episode 130: Emmett Till’s 82nd Birthday; Attorney Bryan Stevenson On Disability Rights On The 33rd Anniversary Of Americans With Disabilities Act #EmmettTill #MamieTillMobley #ApplePodcasts #r4today #Mastodon #BlackMastodon
#BlackMastodon #Mastodon #r4today #applepodcasts #mamietillmobley #emmetttill #podcast