As we approach 300K downloads 🎉, we're glad to share an update of r5r V1.1.0 on CRAN. This update includes:
- New isochrone()function and vignette. See
- New vignette answering FAQ from users
- Better documentation and minor bug fixes
Playing around with the new isochrone() function from #r5rstats #isochrone
2) The second 2nd teaches how to calculate urban accessibility estimates in R using the {r5r} and {accessibility} packages📦 and open data, and how to visualize results with maps and charts.
#r5rstats #accessibilityr
#r5rstats New pareto_frontier() function to find multiple path alternatives considering trade-offs between travel⏱️ & 💰 monetary costs, making it easy to use the method developed by @mattwigway & @ansoncfit
Detailed vignette: 3/8
Perhaps the most exciting news 🤓 Now you can use #r5rstats to account for💰monetary costs💰in the functions travel_time_matrix(), accessibility() and detailed_itineraries(). Full details here: This is a game changer for transportation equity research 2/8
A new major release of r5r v1.0.0 is now on CRAN 🎉 #r5rstats. This version has many new goodies for those doing routing and accessibility analysis in multimodal transport networks in #rstats. Full changelog:
Read this Thread 🧵with a few highlights! 1/8