Ramin Honary · @ramin_hal9001
219 followers · 2013 posts · Server emacs.ch

Question for anyone familiar with programming, and in particular (@wingo): how hard would it be to port GOOPS to other Scheme implementations like , , Gerbil, or Chicken? I know that other Scheme implementations provide their own systems (e.g. Chicken COOPS), but what if I want my library written in Guile to be more portable, could I still use GOOPS and try to move the code over to some other platform?

Or has this already been done? Is there a portable GOOPS, akin to a large Scheme library such as SLIB?

#scheme #guile #chez #gauche #oop #r7rs #r6rs #r5rs

Last updated 1 year ago

blake shaw · @rml
132 followers · 408 posts · Server functional.cafe

Which do you prefer, the popular Cartwright/Shinn "soft type system" approach to pattern matching in scheme with its large pattern language, or the "Indiana style" matcher that emphasizes catamorphism while adopting a quasiquotation orientation towards expressing patterns?

#scheme #lisp #r6rs #r7rs #SRFI #guile #chicken #chibi #gauche

Last updated 1 year ago

blake shaw · @rml
4 followers · 3 posts · Server functional.cafe

Hot take: is actually an amazing standard and defining an r6rs-small variant would have been an adequate response to the (justified) concerns about the breadth of work demanded upon implementors. Its totally legit to embrace for the sake of moving forward, but to act like R6RS is betrayal of is mostly cope.

#r6rs #r7rs #scheme

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeko · @jeko
236 followers · 2866 posts · Server framapiaf.org

You know ?! What? I mean ? 🤔🤔

♥️ I need help to figure out what it looks like! ♥️

I start with a simple and you modify it. The resulting code has to fit in one toot!
If you can't execute the code. It's broken. The last committer should fix it.
So make it portable ! 🚀

(display "hello schemers")

#tdd #tootDrivenDevelopment #scheme #code #snippet #Schemer #schemers #lisp #lisper #r5rs #r6rs #r7rs #coding #programming #fun #friday #guile #chezscheme #gauche #racket #chickenscheme #gambit

Last updated 4 years ago

Thomas · @tfb
343 followers · 14695 posts · Server functional.cafe

I'd like some recommendations for tutorials on macros. syntax-rules for sure, but beyond that, er- and ir-transformers, or syntax-case, it's all up for grabs.

The motivation is to try to encourage colleagues to move beyond defmacro.

#scheme #r5rs #r6rs

Last updated 5 years ago

Thomas · @tfb
343 followers · 14695 posts · Server functional.cafe

@zig Phase inference for imported bindings, rather than requiring the phase to be explicitly stated (runtime or for-syntax or any of the weird negative phases).

"Implicit phasing for R6RS libraries" is a must-read. dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=129

#scheme #r6rs

Last updated 5 years ago