Wonder why non-Orthodox siddurim now have the Imahot in the Amidah? Their importance in traditional Judaism is tremendous. See Who knows four? The Imahot in rabbinic Judaism. By Alvan Kaunfer.



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Last updated 2 years ago

James M Branum - Activist · @Jmbranum
81 followers · 181 posts · Server todon.eu


Sharing this article from magazine that discusses the idea that is effectively a much young faith than once assumed.

That said - it is not exactly a new theory, and I think one could make the argument that Judaism as a religion is what developed in the aftermath of the Temple cult, with the process starting in Babylon after the destruction of the first temple and then coming to full fruition in the development of what we now call after the destruction of the 2nd temple.

At the same time --- this doesn't mean that Judaism's roots aren't very ancient, but rather that the religion's post-Temple cult reboot was big enough to arguably make it a new religion.

This of course gets into the murky territory of defining what is a separate religion, which is surprisingly complicated, much like our modern understanding is showing that the boundary lines in biology between species is much more blurry than we once thought. is always a complicated matter.

Lastly --- this should give all of us of the another reminder that our reinventions of our tradition are very consistent with the longer Jewish story.

#smithsonian #judaism #rabbinicjudaism #Taxonomy #diaspora

Last updated 2 years ago