Under G-D
23m 18s |
The #Dobbs U.S. #SupremeCourt decision sparked a national #Jewish response. Inspired by the lived experiences of Jewish women, #lawsuits are currently being launched by #rabbis, Jewish organizations, and #interfaith leaders to challenge the overturning of #RoeVWade
Aired: 07/10/23
Rating: NR
#separationofchurchandstate #god #xenophobia #USA #america
#dobbs #supremecourt #jewish #lawsuits #rabbis #interfaith #roevwade #separationofchurchandstate #god #xenophobia #usa #america
@sheepchase I'm so sorry you don't have the right local support in your conversion. :(
Hopefully, the wonderful #rabbis of #babka can chime in. #Jewdiverse #Mazaldon
#rabbis #babka #jewdiverse #mazaldon
"The very first chapter of the very first book of the #Torah tells us everything we need to know about the guiding principles of our faith: “God created humankind in the divine image, creating it in the image of God” (Genesis 1:27). When #rabbis are faced with #trans or gender-nonconforming people, they must see the image of #God inherent in these people and make rulings that can include them in our communities." - Rabba Aliza Libman Baronofsky https://forward.com/opinion/532414/orthodox-parent-non-binary-child-jewish-law-can-accommodate-lgbtq/
Heaven forbid that the RA and the Conservative Movement recognize the irreversible fact that #intermarriage is common and will remain so. If they did, Conservative #rabbis might be forced to engage with such couples to encourage them to raise their children as #Jews, or lead an effort to welcome these families in their shuls.
Traditional Judaism, based on our religious beliefs and #halakhah, got caught in a tug of war between people moving to the religious far left or far right. In some communities #halakhah was eliminated, while in others it became too strict. So this story here shows the Judaism that most of our ancestors had: A warm, loving #Judaism still taught by the many wonderful #rabbis we have learned from in all of our denominations. This is the way ❤️ 🔯
#kashrut #rabbis #judaism #halakhah
Here's an example - The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership (CLAL) - A training institute and resource center. Here rabbis from all Jewish denominations participate. The organization is described by The Jewish Daily Forward as a “think-tank dedicated to questions of Jewish identity and religious practice…in its quest to expand the boundaries of Jewish communal life”
#ahavatyisrael #rabbis #jewishcommunity
Hadar’s #Rabbinic #Yeshiva Intensive (RYI) aims to refill the spiritual and intellectual wells of #rabbis from across the denominational and geographical spectrum through text study and meaningful conversation.
It offers a remarkable space for rabbis of all backgrounds to come together to learn resonant and relevant Torah in Hadar’s beit midrash.
#rabbinic #Yeshiva #rabbis #hadar #torah #judaism
Traditional Judaism, based on our religious beliefs and #halakhah, got caught in a tug of war between people moving to the religious far left or far right. In some communities Jewish law was eliminated, while in others it became too strict. But this story here shows the Judaism that most of our ancestors had; a warm, loving #Judaism still taught by the many wonderful #rabbis I have learned from in all of our denominations.
#halakhah #judaism #rabbis #kashrut
Mastodon is a weird place. So far I have come across three people who claim to be Reform #rabbis or Liberal rabbis, who don't believe in God, who want to create atheist educational programs, who attack even #ReformJews who go on Birthright as religious fundamentalists who engage in "brainwashing?" Yikes.
My dear friends, being a liberal Jew should not be the same as being antisemitic. Where I live, Reform rabbis love Jews, believe in God, and lead synagogues in prayer every Shabbos.
For rational people today, it can be hard to see miracles in the world. We asked rabbis from across the denominational spectrum if Jews today believe in miracles. https://momentmag.com/ask-the-rabbis-do-jews-believe-in-miracles/
#Miracles #clergy #rabbis #rabbi #religion #judaism
This book is so interesting.
#demons #judaism #rabbis #BabylonianTalmud #Talmud #sociology #phenomenology #JewishMonsters
#demons #judaism #rabbis #babyloniantalmud #talmud #sociology #phenomenology #jewishmonsters
Most people abhor racism. That being said, there’s a difference between something being condemnable and being forbidden by Jewish law. With that in mind, we wanted to know: does the Torah forbid racism? https://momentmag.com/ask-the-rabbis-does-jewish-law-forbid-racism/
#Rabbis #Clergy #Racism #Antiracist #Judaism #Jewish #Religion #Spirituality #Spiritual
#spiritual #spirituality #religion #jewish #judaism #antiracist #racism #clergy #rabbis
Where do we see Non-Orthodox and Orthodox #rabbis and lay Jewish leaders working together? Where do we see people creating #Achdut (#JewishUnity) today? We're looking for examples and inspirations!
Here we see Jews from #CLAL, from all denominations, at the Katz Center for Jewish Studies at the Univ. of Pennsylvania
#OrthodoxJudaism #NonOrthodoxJudaism #ReformJudaism #ConservativeJudaism
#rabbis #achdut #jewishunity #clal #orthodoxjudaism #nonorthodoxjudaism #reformJudaism #conservativejudaism
@sheepchase I am not so sure that marriage is as common a reason as it used to be. 25 years ago, yes, but now many Reform, Renewal and Reconstructing #rabbis will officiate for mixed couples. Most of the conversion candidates I meet have other reasons, or have decided to convert after many years of marriage with a Jew.
#rabbis #jewdiverse #joiningthetribe #mazeldon
Fake rabbis!? A genuine rabbi is trained in good faith by other rabbis. When we go to a synagogue, the rabbi can generally be trusted to be the real thing. However some diploma mills have been selling "modern rabbi" certificates for a few thousands dollars - and unfortunately some congregations have accidentally hired such paper rabbis. We need to be educated about this
#Mazeldon #Jewniverse
#Jewish #Judaism #Jews #JewishStudies #Babka #rabbis
#Mazeldon #Jewniverse #jewish #judaism #jews #jewishstudies #Babka #rabbis
How does religious Judaism content with Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection? Most Jewish thinkers accept that evolution is real, and also still believe in God. So these are the types of theological responses that we see - there are many nuances and points of view.
#evolution #naturalselection #Darwin #God #religion #Judaism #rabbis #biology
#evolution #naturalselection #darwin #god #religion #judaism #rabbis #biology
Great question, I am looking for this as well. It seems that although any of us can contact and read our Jwitter equivalents here, the fragmented, federated approach of Mastodon makes it harder for us to discover each other.
There's no general search function that covers all "instances" (Mastodon servers) yet.
I've read that the best way for us to find each other is through using hashtags.
#Jewish #Jewisheducators #rabbis #Hebrewschoolteachers (and what else?)
#jewish #jewisheducators #rabbis #hebrewschoolteachers
“My rabbis are so handsome that my friends now go to shul.”
https://www.thecut.com/2022/12/new-york-attracts-the-worlds-most-beautiful-people.html #rabbis #mazeldon
Reporters asked 5,000 rabbis about Kanye West and here’s what they said.
#rabbis #judaism #mazeldon #jewdiverse #chabad #jewish
#rabbis #judaism #mazeldon #jewdiverse #chabad #jewish