“Is there a god?” asked Rabbit.
“You’re standing on it,” said Bear.
©️Tara Shannon
#RabbitAndBear #EarthDay
"What are you doing?" asked Rabbit.
"Minding my business," said Bear.
"Can I help?" asked Rabbit.
"No," said Bear, "but you can sit here with me and mind your own."
©️Tara Shannon
#RabbitAndBear #MindYourOwnBusiness
#rabbitandbear #mindyourownbusiness
I'm digging through the *archives* this morning... here's one from 2020.
"The bravest thing you can do..." said Bear. "Is stay true to yourself in this world that seems hell-bent that you do otherwise."
©Tara Shannon
#rabbitandbear #betruetoyourself
#rabbitandbear #betruetoyourself
"I don't always understand others." said Rabbit. "Sometimes they're mean."
"Be patient." said Bear. "And remember, when others are mean it often has nothing to do with you and everything to do with them."
©Tara Shannon, 2020
#understanding #anger #empathy #patience #rabbitandbear
#understanding #anger #empathy #patience #rabbitandbear
“Where can I find hope?" asked Rabbit.
“It’s always there,” said Bear, “waiting to be found. But a good time to find it is at night.”
“Really?” asked Rabbit.
“Yes.” said Bear. “It’s there, nestled amongst the stars, in the form of a promise.”
“A promise of what?” asked Rabbit.
“A new day.” replied Bear.
©Tara Shannon
#rabbitandbear #hope
How stars are formed...
“How much darkness did you have to go through before you were able to shine so bright?” asked Rabbit.
“Much darkness...” said the star. “I collapsed and had to hold myself together with my own gravity. Only then... was I able to shine.”
©Tara Shannon, 2022 (updated from 2021 image)
#rabbitandbear #shine #darkness #light #stars
#rabbitandbear #shine #darkness #light #stars
“What are boundaries?” asked Rabbit.
“They define how we want to be treated,” said Bear. “Take some time to figure out what your boundaries are and honour them, and yourself, by enforcing them when you feel you need to.”
©️Tara Shannon
#RabbitandBear #boundaries
I wanted to run
But I couldn't
So I dove into a book
Devouring every word
Soaring over every page
Becoming fully immersed
If not completely lost
in the story
It wasn't mine
But for a while I would pretend that it was
And for a while
I was free to run
Madly in love with my escape
©️Tara Shannon, 2022
“Is this heaven?” asked Rabbit.
“It’s a library.” said Bear.
©Tara Shannon
#rabbitandbear #worldbookday #worldbookday2023 #trinitycollege #library #Dublin #Ireland
#rabbitandbear #worldbookday #worldbookday2023 #trinitycollege #library #dublin #ireland
"How are we going to solve this problem?" asked Rabbit.
"Well, for a start," said Bear, "we're going to acknowledge all of the things we keep doing over and over that aren't helping.”
“And then…,” asked Rabbit.
“We're going to do something completely different.” said Bear.
©️Tara Shannon, 2022
#rabbitandbear #breakthecycle #heal
#rabbitandbear #breakthecycle #heal
“Remember that you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone.” said Bear. “Least of all to anyone who has hurt you.”
©Tara Shannon
“We all need to find our own way out of the dark.” said Bear. “Just because I’ve been here before doesn't mean my way out is right for you.”
“You won't leave me though, will you?” asked Rabbit.
“I'll be right here holding the light.” said Bear. “Take your time. And when you’re ready, point the way.”
©Tara Shannon, 2022
#rabbitandbear #dark #light #findyourway #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #chronicillnes #addiction #grief #loss #wellness #support #holdingspace
#rabbitandbear #dark #light #findyourway #mentalhealth #anxiety #depression #chronicillnes #addiction #grief #loss #wellness #support #holdingspace
“That must be really hard,” said Bear.
“I hear you, and I’m here for you.”
“Thank you for hearing me…
for seeing, ME,” said Rabbit.
“And, most of all…
thank you for not judging me.”
©️Tara Shannon
#rabbitandbear #IHearYou #HoldingSpace
#rabbitandbear #ihearyou #holdingspace
“Learn to be there for yourself,” said Bear. “In a way that no one else has been.”
©️Tara Shannon, 2023
#rabbitandbear #bethereforyou
“You’re quiet,” said Bear.
“I’m just thinking,” said Rabbit.
“About what?” asked Bear.
“About all the things I could say, but don’t,” replied Rabbit.
“Why don’t you say them?” asked Bear. “You should always say what you need to say.”
“That’s the thing,” said Rabbit. “I don’t need to say everything I think.”
“Oh,” said Bear. “How so?”
“Well, if it’s not helpful, true or kind,” said Rabbit, “It doesn’t need to be said.”
©️Tara Shannon, 2023
#rabbitandbear #thinkbeforeyouspeak
#rabbitandbear #thinkbeforeyouspeak
"Did you make any resolutions for this year?" asked Rabbit.
"I made a few," said Bear, "the first being that I won't feel bad if I don't achieve them."
©️Tara Shannon, 2022
#rabbitandbear #resolutions
“It’s time to go.” said Bear.
“But where are we going?” asked Rabbit.
“Forward,” said Bear, “we can’t stay here anymore.”
“So much has happened here though. I don’t know that I can move on.” said Rabbit.
“You can stay if you want,” said Bear, “but life won’t wait with you.”
“It won’t?” asked Rabbit.
“No,” said Bear, “besides, up ahead there might be something wonderful.”
“You think so?” asked Rabbit.
“I think...” said Bear, “if you stay here, you’ll never know.”
©Tara Shannon '21
There’s a stillness in winter
a silence
that comes from the gentle falling snow
It calls us to listen
to the beat of our own hearts
& to the ancient wisdom of our ancestors
whispering through our veins
©Tara Shannon, 2021
#rabbitandbear #listen #winter #WinterSolstice #newyear
#rabbitandbear #listen #winter #wintersolstice #newyear
©Tara Shannon, 2022
#rabbitandbear #grounding #fivesenses #anxiety #calm #mentalhealth #selfcare
#rabbitandbear #grounding #fivesenses #anxiety #calm #mentalhealth #selfcare
"I tried talking to a friend about how I sometimes feel nervous, and at other times sad," said Rabbit. "They said I shouldn't talk about such things and that I only wanted attention."
"First of all," said Bear, "You’re not looking for attention… you're looking for support.
And second… they’re not your friend."
©️Tara Shannon, 2022
#rabbitandbear #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #support #letstalk
#rabbitandbear #anxiety #depression #mentalhealth #support #letstalk