#Eurosurveillance | Highly pathogenic #avian influenza A(H5N1) virus infection on multiple fur farms in the South and Central Ostrobothnia regions of Finland, July 2023 https://www.eurosurveillance.org/content/10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2023.28.31.2300400 “A paper just out in @Eurosurveillanc describes the large and ongoing #H5N1 #avian #influenza outbreak in fur farms in western #Finland with infections in #foxes, American #minks and #RaccoonDogs. (Paper mentions 20 farms though 2 more have been affected since)” via @kakape
#Eurosurveillance #avian #h5n1 #influenza #finland #foxes #minks #raccoondogs
"China has pushed a dubious hypothesis that the virus originated outside its borders entirely, suggesting at one point that it was carried into the Huanan market via imported frozen foods. It has strongly pushed back on suggestions of a possible lab leak and had previously denied the existence of any wild animals in Huanan that could have acted as intermediate hosts."
#GeneticData links #SARSCoV2 to #RaccoonDogs in #China market, scientists say | #Covid19 |Ars Technica
#COVID19 #china #raccoondogs #SarsCoV2 #GeneticData
New data links COVID’s origins to raccoon dogs at Wuhan market
#COVID19 #raccoondogs #Wuhanmarket
#COVID19 #raccoondogs #wuhanmarket
If you're like me & you have no idea what a raccoon dog is:
#raccoonDogs #NyctereutesProcyonoides
They're probably closer to foxes than anything.
#nyctereutesprocyonoides #raccoondogs
"WHO calls on China to share data on raccoon dog link to pandemic"
"The World Health Organization is calling on officials in China to release data that may show a link between animals and the virus that sparked the COVID-19 pandemic. The data was posted briefly on an international database but then abruptly taken down over the weekend."
#WuhanWetMarket #raccoonDogs #pandemic #COVID19 #WHO #SarsCoV2
#SarsCoV2 #who #COVID19 #pandemic #raccoondogs #wuhanwetmarket
The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the #Pandemic
A new analysis of #genetic samples from #China appears to link the #pandemic’s origin to #raccoondogs, genetic evidence from #Wuhan, showing that #COVID had infected creatures for sale there. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/03/covid-origins-research-raccoon-dogs-wuhan-market-lab-leak/673390/
#pandemic #genetic #China #raccoondogs #wuhan #covid
"One of the co-authors of the study, Eddie Holmes, had been taken to the Huanan market several years before the pandemic [in 2014] and shown raccoon dogs in one of the stalls. In one photo, the raccoon dogs are in a cage stacked on top of a cage with some birds in it.
"At the end of our sleuth work, we checked the GPS coordinates on his camera, and we find that he took the photo at the same stall, where five samples tested positive for SARS-CoV-2."
#COVID19 #covidorigins #virology #epidemiology #angelarassmussen #Huanan #wuhan #raccoondogs #birds #Spillover
The #pangolins are breathing a sigh of relief. https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2023/03/covid-origins-research-#raccoondogs #WuhanMarket #LabLeak/673390/
#pangolins #raccoondogs #wuhanmarket #lableak