**Reflecting on Habib’s Black Lives in the English Archives: An Online Symposium LAUNCHING THIS THURSDAY**
The many-headed monster is delighted to bring you a series of posts responding to Imtiaz Habib’s *Black Lives in the English Archives, 1500-1677: Imprints of the Invisible* (Ashgate: 2008, Routledge: 2020). The posts are part of Rebecca Adusei and Jamie Gemmell’s multi-event symposium, which brings together scholars working at the forefront of early modern Black history and premodern race studies to discuss the vital importance and continuing legacy of Habib’s text. https://manyheadedmonster.com/2023/05/02/reflecting-on-habibs-black-lives-in-the-english-archives-an-online-symposium/ #RaceBeforeRace #EarlyModernEngland #EnglishHistory #Archives
#racebeforerace #earlymodernengland #EnglishHistory #archives