Notorious race “scientist” Richard Lynn is, once and for all, good and dead. I generally try to avoid celebrating people dying, but this guy might be an exception. For a long time, he was a close colleague of J. Philippe Rushton, who may be more responsible than any other single person for reviving a lot of debunked theories about race and IQ, “breeding strategies”, etc.
Lynn was the editor of arguably the most influential “race science” journal in the world when he died. He was also one of the major sources for the content of ‘The Bell Curve’. A horrible person who claimed the title of “scientific racist” for himself. Fuck that guy, fuck everyone who cites him approvingly, and fuck all of his “research”.
#racescience #scientificracism #richardlynn #lynn #iq #rushton #mankindquarterly
#racescience #scientificracism #richardlynn #lynn #iq #rushton #mankindquarterly
I'm not sure who exactly needs this. Maybe you've got a 16-year-old cousin who's starting to dabble in 4chan, but hasn't gone whole hog yet? A teacher who says he wants an "open debate", but is actually a libertarian who dominates classroom discussion? Just want to clarify your own thoughts on the subject? Whatever it is, this is a really good essay breaking down the sob stories spun by a lot of "race realists". Recommended.
Recent discussions have revived old claims that hereditarian research on race differences in intelligence has been subject to a long and effective taboo. We argue that given the extensive publications, citations, and discussions of such work since 1969, claims of taboo and suppression are a myth. We critically examine claims that (self-described) hereditarians currently and exclusively experience major misrepresentation in the media, regular physical threats, denouncements, and academic job loss. We document substantial exaggeration and distortion in such claims. The repeated assertions that the negative reception of research asserting average Black inferiority is due to total ideological control over the academy by “environmentalists,” leftists, Marxists, or “thugs” are unwarranted character assassinations on those engaged in legitimate and valuable scholarly criticism.
I watched the first episode of #TheConfessionOfFrannieLangton and I got curious about the book, I found a good review 👇🏽 One thing there is strange, the writer compares the British Race Scientists in the book to Mengele when there is a choice of British people that engaged in #RaceScience. I don't know if it for shock value or if are we far from admitting the contribution of "good" (British) people to this pseudo science
#theconfessionoffrannielangton #racescience
This is well worth reading including the comments.
Basically... Heellllooooo Race-Science. Does that sound like what you think it does? You fucking bet it does.
Money is already heading in this direction with a university magically finding enough money to build an entire department on this.
kill me.
one of our leading theorist-critics of #fascism & #Nazism, Jeffrey Herf, publishes a good review of what sounds like a good book on Heidgger's Nazism by another leading critic of fascism, Richard Wolin.
All good so far.
Except for the publication the review appears in: Quillette, the leading source for #racescience in our world today. A publication that has been described by many including me as neo-Nazi.
I hope to god this is just ignorance on Herf's part but it is shocking
I am reposting this for those who missed it #sciencefunding #racistscience #racescience
#sciencefunding #racistscience #racescience
🐋 🎶 Hey, my article "Save the (White) Whales: Whalesong, the Cetacean Sensorium, and Exceptional Brains" is now out! 🔒 but LMK if you want to read & lack institutional access. (Pls delete bots' tags if you reply to this post.)
#SoundStudies #RaceScience #STS #Conservation #EnvHist #Commodon #Cetology #Whalesong #AcademicMastodon @ecologies @academicchatter
#soundstudies #racescience #sts #conservation #envhist #commodon #cetology #whalesong #academicmastodon
More on #racescience "continental labels probably do perpetuate a dangerous, and scientifically incorrect, notion that humans can be meaningfully divided into discrete geographical ancestry groups. In general, my feeling is the field is moving away from using those continental groupings to make comparisons,” Jorde said. “And I think it’s a healthy movement.”
More on #racescience "continental labels probably do perpetuate a dangerous, and scientifically incorrect, notion that humans can be meaningfully divided into discrete geographical ancestry groups. In general, my feeling is the field is moving away from using those continental groupings to make comparisons,” Jorde said. “And I think it’s a healthy movement.”
@Minkowitz -
one of my favorite Nation articles was written by Donna Minkowitz - check it out #nation #thenation #racescience #quillette #minkowitz
#nation #thenation #racescience #quillette #minkowitz
amazing collection by Undark Magazine on "The Persistence of Race Science" #racism #race #racescience #eugenics #statistics
#racism #race #racescience #eugenics #statistics
While it is generally accepted that race is a social construct, in 2022 blood services in countries such as the US, UK and others continue to call specifically for Black blood donors to save Black patients. The unfortunate implication of this practice is to perpetuate the belief that biological race is real and legitimize the troubling ideology of #racescience.
#blooddonation #racism #medicalracism #scientificracism #othering #biology #genetics
#racescience #blooddonation #racism #medicalracism #scientificracism #othering #biology #genetics
While it is generally accepted that race is a social construct, in 2022 blood services in countries such as the US, UK and others continue to call specifically for Black blood donors to save Black patients. The unfortunate implication of this practice is to perpetuate the belief that biological race is real and legitimize the troubling ideology of race science.
#blooddonation #racism #medicalracism #scientificracism #othering #racescience
#blooddonation #racism #medicalracism #scientificracism #othering #racescience
Lost city of Atlantis rises again to fuel a dangerous myth<< brown people couldn’t have made these civilisations so it must have been a lost, white super-race. This guy. 🤦🏽♀️ #RaceScience #archaeology #Myths #atlantis #whitewashing
#whitewashing #atlantis #myths #archaeology #racescience