Now is the time to tell the Minister of oceans and fisheries, #RachelBrooking, that to save the Gulf we need bottom trawl methods banned from within the Marine Park, so that ocean species can recover and thrive again.
- Greenpeace NZ
#SaveOurSeas #SOSSaturdays #BanBottomTrawling ๐
#BanBottomTrawling #sossaturdays #saveourseas #rachelbrooking
So please tell #RachelBrooking, Minister for Oceans & Fisheries, that you want bottom trawling gone from the whole #HaurakiGulf / #TฤซkapaMoana now.
You can share the social media posts below that tag Minister Brooking or email her at this address:
#tikapamoana #haurakigulf #rachelbrooking