franki · @franki
54 followers · 37 posts · Server

Why is so understudied?

"We know far less about than male ones.That's partially because of who's been asking the questions.

Throughout ,you ended up with a lot of male anatomies to saw the world from their perspective,one way that they looked at women was as sort of walking wombs or baby machines.

And that meant a very different focus than ,which is what the is all about."

#womenssexualhealth #femalebodies #medicalhistory #sexualpleasure #clitoris #rachelgross

Last updated 2 years ago

franki · @franki
54 followers · 37 posts · Server

Why is so understudied?

"A in Australia,she brought the world as understanding,that the head of the is the part you can see and touch.

It's just the tip of the iceberg.

Underneath,there's two bulbs,and two arms that kind of flare out into the pelvis,and the bulbs hug the and the ,they're all made of erectile tissue.

90% of this organ is beneath the surface."

#womenssexualhealth #urologist #clitoris #vagina #urethra #rachelgross

Last updated 2 years ago