(11 Aug) - ’Slavery Was Good’ DeSantis Suspends Florida’s Only Black Woman State Attorney https://www.theroot.com/slavery-was-good-desantis-suspends-floridas-only-black-1850725466 #DeSantisSuspends #FloridaStateAttorney #SlaveryWasGood #BlackWoman #FloridaPolitics #RacialDiscrimination #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110871825615563670
#news #politics #racialdiscrimination #floridapolitics #blackwoman #slaverywasgood #floridastateattorney #desantissuspends
'Slavery Was Good' DeSantis Suspends Florida's Only Black Woman State Attorney
#DeSantisSuspends #FloridaStateAttorney #SlaveryWasGood #BlackWoman #FloridaPolitics #RacialDiscrimination #Politics #News
#desantissuspends #floridastateattorney #slaverywasgood #blackwoman #floridapolitics #racialdiscrimination #politics #news
From 04 Aug: Racial and ethnic health disparities are pervasive in the US, across most causes of death and in most counties, new study shows - https://us.cnn.com/2023/08/03/health/racial-disparities-widespread-us-mortality/index.html #healthcare #unitedstates #racialdiscrimination
#racialdiscrimination #unitedstates #healthcare
📰 @victorpereira foi entrevistado pelo @Publico para uma reportagem onde contextualiza a vivência e a história da discriminação dos imigrantes que vivem nos subúrbios de Paris:
“Quem vive nos subúrbios sente-se sempre olhado como uma pessoa cuja lealdade à nação, à ordem republicana, é sempre colocada em dúvida”
#histodons #Migration #RacialDiscrimination #Nanterre #Nahel #SciComm #SciComPT #HistoryInThePublicSphere #Paris #Migrações #DiscriminaçãoRacial
#histodons #migration #racialdiscrimination #nanterre #nahel #scicomm #SciComPT #historyinthepublicsphere #paris #migracoes #discriminacaoracial
most likely lead to a substantial decline in racial and ethnic diversity at our leading colleges and universities and over time will narrow the pipeline that has led to a more diverse — and representative — leadership class. #racialdiscrimination #education #scotus #vote #supremecourt
#racialdiscrimination #education #scotus #vote #supremecourt
New Yorker: After Affirmative Action Ends https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/after-affirmative-action-ends #NewYorker #RacialDiscrimination #News/DailyComment #AffirmativeAction #CollegeAdmissions #Asian-Americans #SupremeCourt #Diversity
#newyorker #racialdiscrimination #news #affirmativeaction #collegeadmissions #asian #supremecourt #diversity
#DOJ probe into #Minneapolis #police finds #racialdiscrimination and #excessiveforce
#doj #minneapolis #police #racialdiscrimination #excessiveforce
“I was thinking one day, ‘Where can I live or where could I go where #racism won’t hit me in the face as a Black man?’” he said. “I was sitting there like, ‘duh, #Africa.’”
As someone who spent 5 years of my childhood in #Nigeria & 1½ years in #Barbados, I can relate to this.
#BlackMastodon #Blackhealth
#Blackmentalhealth #racialdiscrimination
#AfricanDiaspora #BlackDiaspora #minorities
#racism #africa #nigeria #barbados #blackmastodon #blackhealth #blackmentalhealth #racialdiscrimination #africandiaspora #blackdiaspora #minorities
It's clear that there's a culture in police departments (& society generally) that rewards Black employees for anti-Black discriminatory behavior. This cop has a history of brutality (presumably focused on Black civilians); he went too far this time. #JusticeForAderrienMurry
#AderrienMurry #justicematters #justiceforall #socialjustice #racialjustice #racialdiscrimination #blm
#civilrights #BlackMastodon
#justiceforaderrienmurry #aderrienmurry #justicematters #justiceforall #socialjustice #racialjustice #racialdiscrimination #blm #civilrights #blackmastodon
NAACP issues travel warning in Florida: the state ‘has become hostile to Black Americans’
#TheHill #NAACPFloridaWarning #HostileToBlackAmericans #RacialDiscrimination #CivilRights #TravelSafetyAlert #Politics #News
#thehill #naacpfloridawarning #hostiletoblackamericans #racialdiscrimination #civilrights #travelsafetyalert #politics #news
Yet again . . . #shamelessness knows no bottom. It is THE trait that gets the low of the low in America to city councils, qCongress, the Senate, and the White House, particularly in this godforsaken era of Trump.
This pitiful "white grievance" BS has gone from pathetic and juvenile on its face to attenpting to incriminate our fellow Americans just for #BikingWhileBlack.
This cannot continue.
#BadFaithPolitics #DogWhistle #WhiteGrievance #racism #RacialDiscrimination
#shamelessness #bikingwhileblack #badfaithpolitics #dogwhistle #whitegrievance #racism #racialdiscrimination
Our 2nd statement highlighted #racism as a #health determinant: Watch here: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1d/k1d1vee7bh?kalturaStartTime=5089&kalturaStartTime=5089
Or read it on our website here: https://www.sexualrightsinitiative.org/news/2022-aug/sri-statemennt-cerds-day-general-discussion-proposed-general-recommendation-right-0
#racism #health #RightToHealth #racialdiscrimination #CERD
You can listen to this statement here: https://media.un.org/en/asset/k1d/k1d1vee7bh?kalturaStartTime=10293&kalturaStartTime=10295
Or read it on our website: https://www.sexualrightsinitiative.org/news/2022-aug/sri-statemennt-cerds-day-general-discussion-proposed-general-recommendation-right
#RightToHealth #racialdiscrimination #CERD
"The use of racially offensive language among healthcare workers is another illustration of the reality of racial prejudice in healthcare. While there doesn’t appear to be much formal research regarding overt bias among healthcare professionals, there is increasing evidence of this online."
#HealthEquity #racialequity #healthinequities #racialdiscrimination #discrimination #Blackhealth #minorityhealth #minorityhealthmonth #BlackMastodon
#healthequity #racialequity #healthinequities #racialdiscrimination #discrimination #blackhealth #minorityhealth #minorityhealthmonth #blackmastodon
"In order to achieve meaningful racial health equity, legislative reforms are necessary to reduce discretion among healthcare workers, while increasing #accountability ."
This article is free to read using the following link:
#HealthEquity #racialequity #RacialHealthEquity #discrimination #racialdiscrimination
#prejudice #bias #racialprejudice #diversity #inclusion #Blackhealth #minorityhealth #dei #minorities #Equality #BlackMastodon
#accountability #healthequity #racialequity #racialhealthequity #discrimination #racialdiscrimination #discriminatory #prejudice #bias #racialprejudice #diversity #inclusion #blackhealth #minorityhealth #dei #minorities #equality #blackmastodon
For free access to the story, read here:
#HealthEquity #Blackhealth #minorityhealth #minorities #racialdiscrimination #discrimination #bias #prejudice #racialequity #medicalracism
#healthequity #blackhealth #minorityhealth #minorities #racialdiscrimination #discrimination #bias #prejudice #racialequity #medicalracism
Outrage over white-only job ad drives tech firm to delete website - Enlarge (credit: VIDOK | iStock / Getty Images Plus)
After Red... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1929436 #racialdiscrimination #hiringpractices #discrimination #techhiring #policy
#policy #techhiring #discrimination #hiringpractices #racialdiscrimination
Ars Technica: Outrage over white-only job ad drives tech firm to delete website https://arstechnica.com/?p=1929436 #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #racialdiscrimination #hiringpractices #discrimination #techhiring #Policy
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #racialdiscrimination #hiringpractices #discrimination #techhiring #policy
AFN and Caring Society announce revised Final Settlement Agreement to compensate First Nations children and families | Assembly of First Nations (Ottawa, ON, #Canada)
#Canada #racialdiscrimination #indigenous #firstnations
"Over the last few years, a new breed of anti-Black liberals, progressives and leftists has emerged who are being more direct about their real feelings... These individuals — known as the 'Dirtbag Left' — are openly describing themselves as 'anti-woke.'"
#woke #antiwoke #antiracism #antiracist #racialbias #racialdiscrimination #RacialEquity #racialjustice #discrimination #bias #prejudice #BlackMastodon
#woke #antiwoke #antiracism #antiracist #racialbias #racialdiscrimination #racialequity #racialjustice #discrimination #bias #prejudice #blackmastodon