Hyolobrika · @Hyolobrika
136 followers · 7049 posts · Server berserker.town

How do we know was false/pseudoscientific?

#racialism #science #Pseudoscience

Last updated 1 year ago

RationalWiki · @RationalWiki
64 followers · 150 posts · Server universeodon.com

(often "scientific racism" or "race realism" by its adherants) is the idea that humanity can be easily divided into well-defined biological categories ("races") that are both broad and clearly-defined. Racialism implies that these races are substantially physiologically different from each other and that these racial differences strongly determine the abilities and behavior of individuals and peoples.

This is technically not the same as , which is the belief that one or more of these various groups is "superior" or "inferior" to one or more others, usually in some vague, undefined way. But while racism and racialism are distinct concepts, their respective adherents do overlap a lot more than either would have you believe.

Racialism first developed in the 1700s. It remained virtually unchallenged until the 1930s-1960s, when genetics showed it to be erroneous.


#racialism #pseudoscience #racism #scientificracism #rationalwiki

Last updated 2 years ago